Chinese University Bans Christmas, Says It's Fighting 'Western Religious Corrosion'

A Chinese university has reportedly banned all events connected with Christmas, warning that "Western religion" is corroding the minds of young people.
"In recent years," began a notice by Communist Youth League at Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, as reported by The Telegraph on Friday.
"Influenced by Western culture and individual business operations, as well as erroneous public opinions expressed on the internet, some young people are blindly excited by Western holidays, especially religious holidays like Christmas Eve and Christmas Day."
The notice states that the students' union, the different student associations, and the sub branches of the youth league are not allowed to hold Christmas activities, explaining that the ban looks to "guide the youth league members in building cultural confidence and resisting the corrosion caused by Western religious culture."
Xinhua news agency added that some cities, such as Wenzhou in Zhejiang province, have also banned all Christmas activities in schools and kindergartens.
As reported by China Aid, a watchdog group that exposes human rights and religious freedom abuses in China, the country's Communist Party is focused on unifying ideology around its own power.
It has strongly clamped down on Christianity and religions it deems to be foreign, believing that they are an attack against its rule.
Chinese authorities have arrested hundreds of human rights activists, pastors and church members this past year, and have carried out a church rooftop crosses demolition campaign.
In November, it was reported that thousands of villagers in southeastern China were told to replace their posters of Jesus Christ and other religious imagery with photographs of Chinese President Xi Jinping, in order to receive poverty and illness relief.
"Many poor households have plunged into poverty because of illness in the family. Some resorted to believing in Jesus to cure their illnesses," said Qi Yan, chairman of the Huangjinbu people's congress.
Qi argued that Christians are "ignorant" for believing that God is their Savior, and said that the Communist Party and Xi are the ones they should be turning to.
Bob Fu, president of China Aid, told The Christian Post in October that the 19th National Party Congress, where Xi's name and ideology were enshrined into the Constitution, raises concerns for believers.
Fu argued that the atheistic party will seek to "exert total control over all areas of life" of Chinese citizens, including churches.
Fu previously said in another CP interview that the Chinese government is "increasingly worried about the rapid growth of Christian faith and their public presence, and their social influence."
"It is a political fear for the Communist Party, as the number of Christians in the country far outnumbers the members of the Party," he noted.