The Christian Post's Top 10 Most Popular Op-Eds of 2016

8. Evangelical Trump Defenders Are Destroying the Church's Witness, by Julie Roys
I never thought I'd see the day when leading evangelicals would publicly espouse that character doesn't matter — and that promoting sexual assault is simply "bad boy talk." Yet, that's precisely what's happening in the wake of a newly released video showing Donald Trump gloating over his sexual exploits with married women.
I honestly don't know what makes me more sick. Listening to Trump brag about groping women or listening to my fellow evangelicals defend him.
Don't get me wrong. I get how disastrous a Clinton presidency would be.
It would mean that the U.S. would be up for sale to the highest bidder, which given the millions it's given to the Clinton Foundation, appears to be Saudi Arabia. A woman with close family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood would likely be chief of staff. The Hyde Amendment would be repealed; religious groups would be forced to endorse gay marriage — or else; the Supreme Court would be handed to a liberal majority for an entire generation; our borders would remain porous; and any hopes of repealing the fiasco that is Obamacare will be completely dashed.
So, I get it.
She's a disaster of historic proportions.