Creationist Ken Ham Blasts Atheist TV's Launch

Ken Ham, founding president and CEO of Answers in Genesis, responded to the premiere of the world's first ever all-atheist TV channel last week by blasting the efforts at "not just targeting adults with a hopeless message of godlessness, but … also trying to indoctrinate children into an atheistic worldview."
"I've always found it fascinating how they think their purpose is to impose their message that there is no purpose onto people!" Ham wrote in a blog post in response to the launch of Atheist TV, an initiative of American Atheists.
"Well, this new TV channel highlights the growing intolerance toward Christianity in particular — and other religions, with the exception of their own," Ham wrote.
The free-of-charge Atheist TV channel, which delivers through the Roku streaming video service, officially launched Tuesday, with American Atheist President David Silverman declaring it is geared toward all atheists, everywhere.
Silverman criticized TV channels that present religion as truthful, using as an example the History Channel's "The Bible" miniseries in 2013, a 10-part show co-produced by husband and wife team Mark Burnett and Roma Downey.
Ham said the atheist criticism is baseless.
"The new channel brags of having 'superstition-free programming,' which implies that religion is just silly superstition but atheism is rational and logical," Ham said. "However, laws of logic and rationality only makes sense if God, who is logical, created them and made us in His image so that we can understand them! Laws of logic shouldn't exist in a completely random materialistic universe that the atheists believe in — and yet they do!"
Ham added he finds it incredible that atheists spend so much time, effort and money "arguing against Someone that they don't even believe exists!"
"Where are all their books, websites, and magazines that argue against the mythical Easter Bunny? This is because they do know God exists but they are suppressing the truth in unrighteousness," Ham said, referring to Romans 1:18.
"Sadly, this new TV channel is not just targeting adults with a hopeless message of godlessness, but they are also trying to indoctrinate children into an atheistic worldview," Ham continued. "Isn't it bad enough that humanistic thinking has led to over 55 million deaths of aborted children in the U.S. alone, and now the atheistic humanists want to continue their attacks to poison and destroy the minds children who have survived the abortion holocaust."
At the Atheism TV's launch last week, Silverman said: "Atheist TV is geared toward every atheist in the broadest possible sense. Whether they call themselves atheists or skeptics or humanists or any of the other labels that people use to identify themselves, Atheist TV is for them."
Silverman noted that the number of non-believers in the United States is on the rise, making up as much as one-fifth of the population. He then criticized TV channels that, despite those statistics, continue "kowtowing" to religious preferences. "The TV Networks kowtow to the liars who make money off misinformation. The History Channel treats the Bible like history," he said.
"How can we trust what the History Channel says if it tells us that Jesus walked on water? The Discovery Channel treats ghosts like they are real. How can we believe that 'Mythbusters' is telling the truth?" Silverman continued.
"The Bible" miniseries was scored highly impressive ratings for the network and broke DVD records upon release. It was later shortened into a movie titled "Son of God," released in February.