Int'l Day of Prayer: Persecuted Christians Pray for Their Attackers

Curry also spoke with a persecuted believer from Iraq, whose name wasn't shared due to safety concerns. The woman said that amid all the persecution Christians have faced due to the rise of IS, they are holding onto God, because they have nothing else left.
The woman, who is working and ministering in the region, commented on conditions for Christians in Iraq, and said that things have gotten worse since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion that brought down the government of dictator Saddam Hussein.
"Before 2003, there was dictatorship, but we were living in peace. After 2013, we all became targeted there," she said.
The Christian woman explained that she now lives in fear for her life because of the Islamic State, "especially after hearing the stories of how severely they kill people, and how they kidnapped women."
She said that she is afraid of what will happen if she is threatened to become a Muslim or be beheaded. She vowed that despite her fears, she will not renounce her faith.
The webcast also put the spotlight on persecuted believers in North Korea, which has continuously ranked as the very worst country for Christians on Open Doors' World Watch List.
A North Korean believer, whose voice and face were obscured, said that persecution in the country is greater now than ever before.
Boko Haram's slaughter of Christians, and other people in Nigeria, was also discussed.
Kristin Wright, director of advocacy for Open Doors, told The Christian Post during an interview in October that she had met with 10 of the fathers of the over 200 Chibok schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram in 2014.
"One of the fathers, when asked, 'Where do you think your daughter might be?' he said, 'She is the hands of God.' It was a sentiment that was echoed by all of the parents that I met with. They are not going to think about any other reality," Wright told CP.
The full webcast, including other information about how Christians can get involved and help persecuted believers, is available on the Open Doors website.