Dinosaurs Were on Noah's Ark, Says Creationist Ken Ham

Do you want to know what really happened to dinosaurs? Well, president and founder of Answers in Genesis-U.S. and the Creation Museum, Ken Ham, says they were in Noah's Ark.
Although he doesn't reveal exactly what happened to them after that, Ham announced in a new radio ad posted to YouTube on Monday that God created dinosaurs and he told Noah to take pairs of them into the ark before the biblical flood.
"Evolution has used dinosaurs more than almost anything else to indoctrinate children into millions of years of evolutionary ideas. Evolution has claimed dinosaurs evolved over 200 million years ago. That no humans ever lived with them…that some mysterious event led to the extinction of dinosaurs," says Ham in the one-minute ad titled "What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs?"
"But the Bible gives a different history. God tells us he created all land animals the same day he created man about 6,000 years ago and what's more there were even dinosaurs on Noah's Ark because God told Noah to take pairs of every kind of land animal. You see, dinosaurs are no mystery at all if you accept the Bible's account of creation," notes Ham.
The announcer in the ad then invites America to visit its new dinosaur exhibit inside the Creation Museum to find out more on what the Bible says about dinosaurs.
A Slate report mocked Ham last year for his campaign to "take dinosaurs back" from "secular humanists" who have held dinosaurs hostage for decades.
"Creationists, in Ham's view, should use dinosaurs as star attractions to get the public to imbibe the religious swill he and his organization peddle. Dinosaurs are unlikely symbols of religious fundamentalism," notes the report.
"The first dinosaurs evolved about 230 million years ago, and, with the exception of birds, perished about 66 million years ago. Archaic humans didn't originate until 60 million years later, so it's not surprising that Stegosaurus, Triceratops, and kin aren't mentioned in the Bible. Of course, Ham and like-minded literalists would beg to differ," it adds.
Yahoo reported last year that the Creation Museum had its lowest attendance since its opening in 2007. It noted that 280,000 people visited the museum in the last fiscal year compared to the 404,000 who visited in 2007.
Creation Museum's "Noah's Cafe," Ark Encounter Vice President Michael Zovath chalked up the attendance drop to the bad economy while the report pointed to its heavy advertising.
"It's a way to get kids to come to the museum, that's the whole purpose of advertising," Zovath says of the ads.
"The common response is, well, you're trying to attract children to your museum so you can teach them something we don't believe in. That's probably true," he notes. "But secular museums and most natural history museums, when they run a dinosaur exhibit it's to promote attendance, and they're trying to teach kids things we don't believe in."