'Dirty baker's dozen': 13 companies facilitating sexual exploitation

The increasingly popular retail shopping website Wish is used by over 500 million people worldwide. NCOSE included the website on the Dirty Dozen List for selling child-like sex dolls, spy cams marketed for filming and stocking misogynistic apparel.
“Wish was ranked ahead of Amazon as the No. 1 shopping app in the U.S. this week,” NCOSE Legal Counsel Christen Price said. “But Wish has chosen to use its massive platform to facilitate and normalize abuses against and objectification of women and girls.”
Price said the sale of webcams designed to secretly film women while in a state of undress is concerning given the rise of revenge pornography.
“This abusive practice harms millions of people each year,” she said. “In South Korea where spy cam voyeurism is pervasive, a woman took her life after her colleague secretly filmed her in their hospital’s changing room. He received a 10-month sentence. Any technology can be misused but the spy cams on Wish are being advertised with pictures that encourage the misuse.”
Price said that over a year ago, NCOSE asked Wish to stop selling sex dolls. Although Wish removed some of the child-like sex dolls on its platform, it continues to market dolls resembling adult women and female body parts.
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