'Dirty baker's dozen': 13 companies facilitating sexual exploitation

Nevada, the only state in the U.S. that has legalized brothel prostitution, has found itself once again on the Dirty Dozen List after it was first added in 2019.
According to NCOSE, Nevada is the largest illegal commercial sex market in the country.
“In fact, only 10 percent of the prostitution occurring in Nevada is actually legal,” NCOSE Legal Counsel Dani Pinter said. “The truth is that sexual violence, racism and socio-economic disparity are an integral part of the prostitution experience.”
“As recently deceased [brothel owner] Dennis Hof once said, ‘I am selling sex like McDonald's is selling burgers,’” she added. “The truth is he was selling women, not burgers. Unlike McDonalds, the brothels are surrounded by iron gates, barbed wire and women are not allowed to bring their cars on the property. They are required to live on the premises, sometimes not being allowed to leave for weeks at a time.”
By legalizing and promoting prostitution, Pinter contends that Nevada is “profiting from the commoditization and exploitation of women.”
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