Dirty Dozen: 12 companies and entities facilitating sexual exploitation
12 companies and entities named 'mainstream facilitators' of sexual exploitation

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation released its 2019 "Dirty Dozen List” on Monday.
The list details “mainstream” companies and entities that are considered to be "facilitators of sexual exploitation in our society and culture."
This year’s list includes some new faces — a state, a leading massage parlor chain and an airline — as well as several tech and media companies that continue to be called out by the organization purveying sexual violence and exploitation.
NCOSE is a U.S.-based non-profit advocacy group that seeks to expose “the links between all forms of sexual exploitation.” The organization has produced the list every year since 2013.
The list aims to pressure and “shame” these entities to stop facilitating sexual exploitation. In some cases, the list has produced noticeable results and changes in organizational policy.
“No corporation should profit from or facilitate sexual exploitation,” Haley Halverson, NCOSE vice president of advocacy and outreach, said prior to the press conference unveiling the report.
“Unfortunately, many well-established brands, companies, and organizations in America do just that. Since 2013, the National Center on Sexual Exploitation has published an annual Dirty Dozen List to name and shame the mainstream players in America that perpetuate sexual exploitation — whether that be through sex trafficking, prostitution, sexual objectification, sexual violence and/or pornography.”
In the following pages are the 12 entities deemed “major, mainstream facilitators of sexual exploitation in the United States.”
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