Episcopal Church creates protocol to make bishop disciplinary process more transparent

In response to recent calls for greater accountability, The Episcopal Church has created a new protocol to generate more transparency regarding disciplinary cases made against bishops.
The Church's Office of Public Affairs announced Thursday the creation of a new "three-part protocol" to better promote and explain the disciplinary process for Episcopal bishops accused of wrongdoing.
Disciplinary procedures are outlined in Title IV of the Episcopal Church's bylaws, which address the "ecclesiastical discipline" procedures when a church leader is accused of misconduct.
The three elements include the launch of a webpage for reporting alleged misconduct of bishops, another webpage that provides updates on current disciplinary cases and "an annual statistical report on complaints involving bishops and their outcomes."
The mainline Protestant denomination's Presiding Bishop Michael Curry used his authority to initiate the new protocol, according to the Public Affairs Office.
In a letter sent Thursday outlining the new protocol, Curry wrote, "experience over the past several years with Title IV matters involving Bishops has given rise to calls for more transparency in the process."
"The protocol will provide for greater transparency around Title IV processes while also appropriately protecting privacy, all in the service of encouraging the goals set out in Canon I of Title IV," wrote Curry.
Curry spotlighted the appointment last year of the Rev. Barbara Kempf to the newly created position of full-time Intake Officer for Bishops, which handles misconduct allegations.
"Barb's full-time attention to the Title IV process is improving communication with and attention to those involved in Title IV processes and improving case management, as well," Curry added.
Critics had argued that the Title IV procedures failed to handle credible allegations of abuse from Episcopal clergy properly.
Last year, Episcopal Church House of Deputies President Julia Ayala Harris made public an allegation that a retired bishop had "physically overpowered" her and made "inappropriate verbal statements."
"Going through the Title IV process this past year was not something I would want anyone to have to endure," wrote Ayala Harris at the time, as quoted by Episcopal News Service.
"Yet, living through that experience has given me an important perspective that I can apply in my leadership role, and it has renewed my long-lasting commitment to increased safety in our communities."
Last December, the ex-wife and two adult sons of former Bishop Prince Singh filed a complaint against Curry and Episcopal Bishop Todd Ousley over their alleged mishandling of abuse accusations against Singh.
The family members alleged that Curry and Ousley, who had served as an intake officer for complaints against bishops, failed to properly follow the Title IV process.