ESPN's Chris Broussard: 'Though I'm Getting a Lot of Hate, God Is Being Glorified'

Under fire for publicly declaring that practicing homosexuality isn't supported by biblical scripture, ESPN sports analyst Chris Broussard told a national group of Christian men on Thursday that God was being glorified in the firestorm.
"Even though I'm getting a lot of hate God is being glorified," said Broussard during a national prayer teleconference hosted by the K.I.N.G Movement. Broussard is the president of the organization that aims to uplift men through biblical teachings.
The group offered up prayers for Broussard who gay rights advocates are calling to be fired or suspended from his position with ESPN for saying NBA player Jason Collins' homosexual lifestyle was inconsistent with biblical scripture. ESPN, however, has not bowed to the pressure so far.
Broussard thanked those on the teleconference for their prayers and told them he has been getting a lot of support from colleagues in the NBA and Christians from around the world.
"I'm getting such an outpouring of support from Christians throughout the country and even throughout the world. I've had several big name pastors call me or tweet in support of me. I've had NBA players and coaches and management call me in support," he said.
"I'm just thankful to all you brothers for your prayers and your support and your encouragement and this has really been an awesome experience," he noted.
He said he hoped that through his experience that Christians would be bold about their faith in God, "hopefully even unify around a Kingdom agenda," he said. "I believe God is getting all the glory from this and I've been resting on the scriptures, 'blessed are you when you are persecuted for righteousness sake.' So I know this is a blessing," said Broussard.
At the end of the meeting Broussard further told the men that his vision for America was to keep it as a place where people of faith would be free to serve God without censure.
"We live here in America and we want our children growing up in a country where they can be free to serve the Lord and speak for the Lord and hopefully society's morals and standards would encourage that. My whole vision is that we impact America so much that they turn towards God," he said.
On Monday, free agent NBA player Jason Collins revealed in a Sports Illustrated article that he is homosexual. He also expressed that his Christian faith was an important part of his life.
"My parents instilled Christian values in me. They taught Sunday school, and I enjoyed lending a hand. I take the teachings of Jesus seriously, particularly the ones that touch on tolerance and understanding," Collins wrote in the article.
When asked to reconcile Collins' faith with his homosexuality on ESPN's "Outside the Lines," however, Broussard said it was not a union supported by biblical teachings.
"Personally, I don't believe that you can live an openly homosexual lifestyle or an openly, like premarital sex between heterosexuals. If you are living that type of lifestyle, the Bible says you know them by their fruits, it says that's a sin," said Broussard. "If you're openly living in unrepentant sin, whatever it may be, not just homosexuality, whatever it maybe, I believe that's walking in open rebellion to God and to Jesus Christ."