5 ‘woke’ companies that have Christian origins

Disney and its expansive kingdom of family entertainment is known for its huge theme parks and super-popular films and toys. More recently, its made headlines for pushing LGBT ideology and upsetting parents who simply want wholesome entertainment for their children.
Last year, the company released an LGBT-themed clothing line, featuring fashion for all ages and tying in franchises they own such as Mickey Mouse, Marvel Comics, Pixar and Star Wars.
In the past couple of years, it has made the occasional kids' film that featured an openly gay character. However, those films, among them “Strange World” and “Lightyear,” sufferedbadly at the box office.
And yet, Walt Disney, the man, was someone who, according to a Mickey News story from 2017, was a practicing Christian who had a Congregationalist minister give the dedication at the opening of Disneyland.
“Whatever success I have had in bringing clean, informative entertainment to people of all ages, I attribute in great part to my Congregational upbringing and my lifelong habit of prayer,” said Walt, as quoted by Mickey News.
“To me, today, at age 61, all prayer, by the humble or highly placed, has one thing in common: supplication for strength and inspiration to carry on the best human impulses which should bind us together for a better world.”
Walt was also politically conservative and opposed unions. In 1947, he testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee against suspected Communists in Hollywood.