'I Am Delivert' Andrew Caldwell 'Claps Back' at Kim Burrell, Makes Bold Claim About Her Husband's Sexuality

Internet personality Andrew Caldwell, 23, made famous by a viral video in which he proclaimed he was "delivert" from homosexuality, slammed embattled gospel singer Kim Burrell for calling him out in a controversial sermon on homosexuality. Caldwell further made a bold claim about her husband's sexuality.
"It was very hurtful when I woke up this morning," Caldwell said in a video reaction about Burrell's comments on his deliverance claim made at the 107th Holy Convocation of the Church of God in Christ in St. Louis, Missouri, in 2014.
Caldwell famously testified at the gathering: "I'm not gay no more. I am delivert! I don't like mens no more. I said I like women. Women women women women!"
He further noted: "I would not date a man! I would not carry a purse! I would not put on make-up!"
In a recent video clip from her controversial holiday sermon, however, Burrell, 44, who leads the Love & Liberty Fellowship Pentecostal Church in Houston, Texas, unapologetically called out Caldwell, megachurch Pastor Eddie Long, and a "perverted homosexual spirit" she says is being used to embarrass the church.
"This Mr. 'I am delivered' and all these different spirits went all the way to Jimmy Kimmel," said Burrell in the clip addressing Caldwell's claim that he has been "delivert."
"The minute somebody comes up with a deaf and dumb spirit, a mute spirit, one that can't even talk that has a perverted spirit saying that 'I am delivered,' he goes all the way to Jimmy Kimmel. You think the enemy is not trying to make a mockery of the church?" she asked her congregation.
Caldwell said he was surprised and angry about what she said about him and wanted to "clap back."
"That's not right and that's not holiness. So you went on publicly saying Mr. Delivert did what he did and said what he said. Well, first of all you should have prayed for me and wrote me out a check so I should have went to a speech therapy, that's what you should have done. But not knowing that you're a backslider, not knowing that you are not saved. And I'm going home and I'm gonna burn your CDs up. I'm sending them back to the pit of hell," said Caldwell in the video posted to Facebook on New Year's Eve.
"I got them out of the pit of hell from (Juanita) Bynum and now I'm sending them back to the pit of hell," he continued about Burrell's music.
"... Not knowing you Ms. Kim was gonna make a mock of me. I supported you all through the years. Bought your CDs, yeah I bought your music. I love you. I really still do love you because I know the flesh hit your body yesterday but you know what Ms. Kim? You're wrong," he said.
Caldwell also took a dig at Burrell's husband, Joseph Wiley, claiming he had left her for another man. According to one source, the couple is separated pending a divorce. Calls by The Christian Post to Burrell's church seeking comment went unanswered on Friday.
"You really do have to forgive people. Kim, I forgive you. But the main thing was, how can you preach about homosexuals when your husband is gay and your husband left you for another man," Caldwell claimed.
He went on to insist that he was not trying to make a mockery of the church but it was the church that made a mockery of him.
He said that he is fully aware that he has a speech defect and behaves effeminately but explained that the day the viral video was made he was praying to God to deliver him from what he sees as his flaws.
"Back in 2014, I had went viral, I was very young, didn't know nothing about the Church of God in Christ, it was my first time coming to the convention, first time being around the church of God in Christ people...
"I was fasting, I was very weak that week, I spent the whole night in the prayer room, fasting and praying, not just for me but God deliver me from my mannerism, from effeminate ways. And the next day, I was sitting in church asking God for deliverance. And the next I know I got up at the mic and took the mic. I was nervous. I had never seen a crowd like that. So many people and I got the mic and I said 'I'm delivert," he explained.
"I know I had a speech problem but I did not know I was gonna get that mic. But while you're judging me, you should have been praying that God deliver me and God set me free truly and God work on my mannerism and fix my speech," he said to Burrell.