Ken Ham Tells Pastors: If Noah Is a Myth, Then Jesus Is a Liar

Answers in Genesis President Ken Ham says pastors who question the literal interpretation of Genesis when it comes to the account of Noah and the Ark are ultimately saying that it's not real history, which means that Jesus Christ must have lied.
"A Lutheran-ELCA pastor says the account of Noah is not history, but if that's true then Jesus, Peter, and the author of Hebrews lied. The pastor says Genesis is myth. Well, then the Gospel would also be, as it's preached in Genesis 3:15, 21," Ham wrote in a Facebook post on Monday.
"If Noah is a myth, then so are all those listed in Hebrews 11, like Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Moses, and others. Would the pastor rather have children be taught evolution as fact and creation as myth? Millstone warning in Mark 9:42! Genesis is history," he added.
Ham, who in July opened the Ark Encounter theme park in Kentucky, was responding to an op-ed written by a Lutheran-ELCA pastor that was published in the Ahwatukee Foothills News speaking out against literal views of Genesis, though as of Tuesday morning, the link to the article now leads to a 404 error page.
"There are liberals like this in every denomination — and I praise the Lord for the many Lutheran pastors that do support Answers in Genesis," Ham added.
The topic of human origins remains divisive in America, with a 2014 Gallup poll finding that 42 percent support the belief that God created humans in their present form. Ham has had strong warnings for Christians who do not agree and instead support the theory of evolution, accusing them of following a "religion of death."
"Christians who accept millions of years are mixing the religion of death with the religion of life — death came after sin, Jesus conquered it. Evolution requires death over millions of years, death is a 'friend' that produces life and death ends it all," Ham said in another post in June.
"The Bible describes death as an enemy that will one day be destroyed — through Christ's death and resurrection we are offered life with God. Creation is a religion of life — death is a result of sin, our Creator paid the penalty for sin and offers the free gift of salvation — it's all about life," he added.
Another danger of Christians supporting evolution that Ham has warned about concerns the pitfalls of justifying a number of other "sinful tendencies."
"One of the problems with compromise in one area of Scripture is where do you stop compromising? If Christians accept the idea of human evolution, then why not accept the idea that our sinful tendencies are really just evolved tendencies?" Ham asked back in July 2015.