Bill Nye, Ken Ham Debate: Are Children 'Wonderful, Beautiful Animals' or God's Creations?

Bill Nye "The Science Guy" can be seen in a video telling a young girl at Young Earth Creationist Ken Ham's Ark Encounter theme park in Kentucky that she is a "wonderful, beautiful animal," though Ham argued back that she was created by God.
Ham has been posting online a series of videos showcasing the debate between himself and Nye at the Ark Encounter in July, with the latest addition on Sunday featuring a conversation the two men have with a young girl as they are walking through the life-sized Noah's Ark theme park.
The girl in the video asks "How did God create us?" to which Ham replies that "the Bible says He spoke and it happened."
The Answers in Genesis CEO and president added: "How did He raise Jesus from the dead? How did Jesus raise Lazarus?"
Ham noted that God is all powerful and created all things.
Nye, however, insisted that the answer lies with science.
"Young woman, I will say to you that there is a process that humans have developed over millennia by which we know nature. We call that science. And the big thing in science is questioning things," he said.
Ham then asked Nye if he would tell the girl that she is "just an animal."
Nye responded that he disagrees with using the word "just" in that context.
"She is a wonderful, beautiful animal," the "Science Guy" said.
When the girl suggests that she supports Ham's point of view, Nye told her:
"As you grow older, I encourage you to look at the world around you and make your own judgments."
Nye then admits that he "may be wrong," but goes on debating with Ham about how many scientists would support Creationism, and how many others back evolution.
In another video from the debate posted earlier in August, Ham and Nye can be seen debating morality, and questions such as why humans wear clothes.
"So that we have sympathy for each other, that we get angry with each other, that we work very hard to raise our children, provide them with resources – [it] is deep within us. It's part of who we are. It's not a result of a top-down issuance of laws. That's the claim in science, and we observe this in other species," Nye offered.
Ham insisted, however, that God gave people clothes "because of sin."
"The fact that we are wearing clothes is a reminder that God killed animals and clothed Adam and Eve," the Young Earth Creationist said at the time.
Ham and Nye have accused each other of trying to "brainwash" children, a claim they have made on several occasions.
The AiG and Creation Museum CEO most recently said after Nye's visit to the Ark Encounter in July that Nye has a problem with parents teaching their children about God.
"He wants to brainwash kids, to indoctrinate them, in his naturalistic (atheistic) religion of meaninglessness and hopelessness," Ham said previously.