Living a Life of No Compromise
![Credit : (Courtesy of Joyce Meyer Ministries)](
It's an honor for us to be chosen by God to be alive at this time on the earth. God has a great purpose for each of us, but if we're going to fulfill His plans and the "assignments" He's created us to accomplish, we have to make up our mind how we're going to live every day.
To compromise means you go a little bit below what you know is right. Many Christians are settling for a life of compromise: they live for God on Sunday, but on Monday, they live like the rest of the world. This is NOT God's best for us, and there is nothing in the Bible that ever encourages or approves of it, in any situation.
But it's easy to justify decisions to compromise when we're being tempted or pressured by circumstances that are hard for us to face.
I remember a time years ago when I had a job balancing the accounts of clients with the company I worked for. My boss wanted me to zero out a credit balance of a particular account so we wouldn't have to send them a check, and I knew if I did it, I'd be helping him steal their money.
This was so hard because I really needed that job, and I could think of all kinds of reasons I had to have it. For example: I made good money. We only had one car at this time and Dave and I worked in the same area so we could carpool. And the list goes on.
But I came to the decision that even if it meant I would lose my job, I couldn't help him steal that money. So I prayed for God to give me the courage to do the right thing, and the next day I went to his office and said, "I'm a Christian, and I can't zero-out this balance because if I do, I'll be helping to steal their money. I'd be going against my conscience if I do this."
Now my boss was obviously annoyed by what I said, but he told me to go back to work. I thought he was going to fire me, but when it was almost time for me to leave for the day, he came to my desk and said, "Send them a check."
Over the next few years, I ended up getting promoted several times in that company, and eventually ended up in a position just below my boss. Because even though he didn't agree with my values, he respected me for standing up for what I believed was right.
Looking back now, I believe that situation was a test I had to pass to get where I am today. Wherever you may be in God's plan for you, I want to encourage you to resist the temptation to compromise and make up your mind to always do what is right in God's eyes. If you don't, then some of the things you give in to now can keep you from living out the fullness of your destiny.
Colossians 3:1-2 (AMPC) says, "If then you have been raised with Christ [to a new life, thus sharing His resurrection from the dead], aim at and seek the [rich, eternal treasures] that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on things that are on the earth."
These scriptures are telling us to get our mind on what is really important, rather than wasting our time thinking about things we can't control or that don't really matter. I firmly believe in setting my mind and keeping it set on God and His plan for my life every day. And I've discovered that when you make your mind up to do what God wants you to do — what you know in your heart He's leading you to do — then He is faithful to give you the ability to do it.
I want to say it again: Anything God shows you to do, either through His Word or what He speaks to your heart, He will be faithful to give you the power and ability to perform it if you are willing to set your mind and keep it set on things that are above.
Maybe you need to make your mind up about some things in your life that you've been struggling with or you're afraid to confront. I want to encourage you to trust God completely and make up your mind that you won't compromise what you know is right because of fear of being rejected by others or hurt in some way if you don't do what they want you to do. The truth is, the same people who tempt us to compromise will disrespect us when we do.
Remember Colossians 3:1-2. In Christ, there's nothing stronger than a made-up mind, so set your will to do the will of God every day. When you're tempted to compromise, ask Him to help you do the right thing by His grace, with His strength. Remind yourself of promises in God's Word, like Philippians 4:13: "Whatever comes my way today, I can do whatever I need to do through Christ who is my strength!"