'Marriage Was God's Idea, and He Will Preserve It, With or Without Us;' Ted Cruz Asks Pastors to Preach, Pray Against Gay Marriage

As the U.S. Supreme Court readies to hear arguments in favor of same-sex marriage on Tuesday, April 28, Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, urged pastors across America to preach and pray against it because "marriage was God's idea, and He will preserve it, with or without us."
"We know that marriage is intended to be sacred, beautiful, and nourishing. If you do not influence your congregation's understanding of marriage, who will fill the void? Hollywood? Divorce courts?" asked Cruz in a letter sent to tens of thousands of pastors highlighted by CBN News.
"Prayer moves our God to intervene in history. Prayer softens our hearts and brings us into alignment with the heart of God. The church has not shared the truth about marriage well: it is time to repent and commit ourselves to courage on this front," said Cruz.
"Regardless of what happens in the Supreme Court, or anywhere else, we know that the truth will never be obsolete. The union of man and woman in marriage will always be relevant. People will continue to need marriage, and to desire it — because we are made in the image of God, creatures who value authentic companionship and intimate connection," he added.
The letter encourages pastors to preach about biblical marriage on April 26 and lead prayer services to uphold the institution on April 28.
Cruz's request comes in stark contrast to one of his political rivals, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla, who is also seeking to become the Republican Party's 2016 presidential nominee.
While declaring on CBS's "Face the Nation" on Sunday that he believes marriage should be "between one man and one woman" Rubio insisted that "it's not that I'm against gay marriage."

Rubio also revealed in an interview with Fusion's Jorge Ramos last week that even though he is a staunch Catholic, a denomination which opposes same-sex marriage, if a gay friend or family member extended an invitation for him to celebrate their union he would attend.
"If it's somebody in my life that I care for, of course I would," he said.
"I'm not going to hurt them simply because I disagree with a choice they've made or because I disagree with a decision they've made, or whatever it may be," he added. "Ultimately, if someone that you care for and is part of your family has decided to move in one direction or another or feels that way because of who they love, you respect that because you love them."
In his battle in defense of biblical marriage however, Cruz ask pastors to stand with him.
"Will we discard an institution, ordained by God, which has brought so much stability and happiness to the human family? Or will we stand in its support? Rightly or wrongly, the Supreme Court will take a stand on marriage this summer. Let's take ours now," he noted in the letter.
Earlier this month, Cruz joined five other Republican senators and 51 representatives in filing an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to uphold the right of states to make gay marriage illegal.
The two broad arguments made by lawmakers in the brief as reported by The Dallas Morning News are: "That the states, not the federal government, have long had the almost exclusive right to set rules for marriage, and that 'seven principles of federalism and judicial restraint' counsel caution as the justices ponder whether to decide such a weighty and fast-evolving issue."
Read Cruz's full letter to pastors below:
Dear American Pastor,
On Tuesday, April 28, the United States Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments in favor of "same-sex marriage."
How will the American church respond?
The prophet Daniel described the people who know their God as people who do two things: display strength and take action (Daniel 11:32).
How can the church rise to the occasion in this situation? Along with my friend David Lane of the American Renewal Project, I urge you to consider the following –
Preach about biblical marriage on Sunday, April 26.
We know that marriage is intended to be sacred, beautiful, and nourishing. If you do not influence your congregation's understanding of marriage, who will fill the void? Hollywood? Divorce courts?
Lead prayer services on Tuesday, April 28.
Prayer moves our God to intervene in history. Prayer softens our hearts and brings us into alignment with the heart of God. The church has not shared the truth about marriage well: it is time to repent and commit ourselves to courage on this front.
Regardless of what happens in the Supreme Court, or anywhere else, we know that the truth will never be obsolete. The union of man and woman in marriage will always be relevant. People will continue to need marriage, and to desire it – because we are made in the image of God, creatures who value authentic companionship and intimate connection.
That leaves us only one question. Will we be on the right side of history, the side occupied by the Author of history? Otherwise we will fall victim to the fashions of the times.
Will we discard an institution, ordained by God, which has brought so much stability and happiness to the human family? Or will we stand in its support? Rightly or wrongly, the Supreme Court will take a stand on marriage this summer. Let's take ours now.
God bless America,
Senator Ted Cruz
P.S. Thank you, as the prophet Daniel might have said, for taking action in defense of marriage. Marriage was God's idea, and He will preserve it, with or without us. But how could we miss a chance to stand with Him on behalf of something so wonderful?