Morgan Freeman Explores Creation Story in Genesis on Sunday's Episode of 'The Story of God'

On a quest to locate the genesis of Creation, actor Morgan Freeman continues his journey to discover if science and religion can co-exist in the latest episode of National Geographic's popular series, "The Story of God."
"It's hard to believe we all came from one man and one woman, but we did," Freeman says in the beginning of episode four, titled "Creation."
In the upcoming episode, the Academy Award-winning actor explains that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all trace their origins to Adam and Eve.
"The Garden of Eden doesn't only represent the beginning of humanity, it's the beginning of our conversation with God," Freeman says.
The National Geographic mini-series follows Freeman as he travels to 20 cities in seven different countries in a quest to find answers to the mysteries of faith.
In episode four, he travels first to Jerusalem where he meets with archaeologist Jodi Magness and tours the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which many Christians believe is the site of Jesus' crucifixion and burial site, and the Chapel of Adam, which tradition says Jesus was crucified over and is where Adam's skull was buried
While standing in the Chapel of Adam, Freeman and Magness discuss the belief that both Adam and Jesus were resurrected. According to tradition, when Jesus was crucified above Adam's burial ground, his blood dripped all the way down to Adam's grave, leading to Adam's resurrection.
During the segment, Freeman, who has played the role of God multiple times on the big screen, is heard narrating the story of Adam and Eve and the fall of man. As the show continues, Freeman heads to Rome to take an in-depth look at the Judeo-Christian belief of Creation.
While in Rome, he meets with Pope Francis' chief executive science expert, Father Giuseppe, who says the Bible describes a theological sense of Creation, not a scientific one.
"Creation is perfectly compatible with the big bang," the Catholic priest and scientist says to Freeman.
The "Million Dollar Baby" star gathered, "God does not exist outside of space and time, God is space and time."
In episode four, Freeman admits that what he learned in church about Creation when growing up in Greenwood, Mississippi, always "puzzled him" as a child. He recalled the minister reading from the book of Genesis and how he found it profound and confusing.
The 78-year-old actor also explores what Muslims believe about the beginning of time, which involves a cloud of smoke and the cosmos, and also learns what the ancient Mayans believed about Creation. Additionally, Freeman travels to India to find out what Hindus hold true about the beginning of time and discovered they believe in cycles of creation for billions of years.
"The Story of God" serves as an intriguing exploration of one man's discovery of faith around the world.
"It's my fervent hope that people would see that our beliefs don't have to divide us, it has the power to unite us. As it was in the beginning is now and forever shall be. World without end," says Freeman.
For more information about "The Story of God" with Freeman, visit The six-part mini-series runs on National Geographic Channel at 9 p.m. ET on Sundays.