National Day of Prayer: What Christian Leaders Are Praying
Christian leaders and believers across the country are joining President Donald Trump today for the 66th Annual National Day of Prayer.
The National Day of Prayer, an annual observance created in 1952 by a joint resolution of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman, occurs on the first Thursday of May.
This year's theme is "For Your Great Name's Sake! Hear Us … Forgive Us … Heal Us!"
The following are comments from Christian leaders on NDOP.

1. Dr. Ronnie Floyd, senior pastor of Cross Church and former president of the Southern Baptist Convention:
"Days like today remind me that as long as America humbles herself before God, pleading out of sincere hearts to truly know and serve Him, we will remain a 'nation under God.' On this solemn occasion, I pray America will experience a return to God's truth that will lead to a new revival and spiritual awakening that will impact our generation.
"I'm thankful for all this this administration has done over it's first 100 days to advance religious liberty, protect the unborn, and to strengthen the role of faith in America. In the first 100 days of a President, evangelicals have never had a stronger relationship with the White House."
2. Greg Laurie, senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship:
"The National Day of Prayer is significant in that it highlights the essential role that faith is given in our nation. Apart from prayer, we have no way to attain daily direction for our lives, no compass pointing us in the way of truth and justice. Make no mistake, God cares for each and every American, regardless of our willingness to thank Him and acknowledge His hand of providence in our lives.
"I applaud the President and Vice President for making this special day a priority and I thank them for acknowledging that faith in God continues to be an irreplaceable contribution to America. Let us make our requests known to God, and let us pray without ceasing — today, and every day of the year."
3. Jason Yates, CEO of MyFaithVotes:
"Today, as faith leaders gather in prayer with our president and vice president, I encourage every Christian in America to also seek God in his own heart and home. From the privilege of living peacefully in our land to the freedom to practice our faith with a clear conscience, we have much to be thankful for.
"Yet there's still work to be done: abortion is still legal in America, the place of the family continues to deteriorate in society, and religious freedom is still under constant threat. Let us then turn to God, for He is the only one who can transform our nation."

4. Rev. Dr. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference:
"Join me today in seeking the heart and mind of God in prayer and repentance, for ourselves, for our families, and for this country that we love.
We will all do so with a full heart having already witnessed an answer to our prayers in the President's decision today to strengthen our religious liberties. I commend President Trump for fulfilling this promise."
5. Dr. James Dobson, founder and president of Family Talk:
"The mission behind the National Day of Prayer, 'to mobilize prayer in America and to encourage personal repentance and righteousness in the culture,' is more needed than ever. My wife, Shirley, chaired the National Day of Prayer Task Force for 25 years, so I've seen firsthand what can happen when we invite the presence and power of God into our lives, our families, our schools, and our institutions.
"But it all begins with prayer. So please join with Shirley and me in carving out a day of concentrated prayer for our country, for our elected officials, and for our personal walk with God."
6. James MacDonald, senior pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel:
"Desperate times call for desperate prayers."
7. Anne Graham Lotz, evangelist and chairman of the National Day of Prayer:
"If ever we needed to pray for our nation, it's now."
8. Jack Graham, pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church:
"America and the world are facing increasing dangers. … let's get on our knees."
9. Benham Brothers, authors and speakers:
"It is our civic duty to stand in the gap for our nation."
10. Josh McDowell, Christian apologist:
"What is 1 prayer for your country that you want God to answer?"