NewsBoys Discuss Their Racial Differences and the Power of Unity as They Embark on New Tour

The NewsBoys are gearing up to hit the road this week for the "Newsboys United 2018 Tour" and for the first time ever the group will be reuniting with former bandmates Peter Furler and Phil Joel to showcase what true unity looks like.
Michael Tait, Jody Davis, Duncan Phillips, and Jeff Frankenstein will be joined on stage by Furler and Joel to perform many of the band's most popular hits throughout their three-decade career.
When asked about the power of coming together in these times where many are divided over race, religion, politics, economics or even gender, the NewsBoys said they look to follow the example of Jesus Christ.
"We're about love at the end of the day," lead singer Michael Tait shared with The Christian Post. "The two greatest commandments are all about love. 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and love your neighbor as yourself.' If that's your motivation then that's gonna change some things, otherwise we've got issues. Love is a verb, always has been, always will be. 'For God so loved the world that He gave!' That's another verb, so for me, we are living integration."
"I'm chocolate, these guys are vanilla. Fact is, that's the beauty of the human race, we're founded in diversity," Tait maintained.
Despite their differences, he said they all travel the world on a bus together — 48 countries and counting — and their main "motivation of occupation" is always forgiveness.
"God forgave us and loved us and we want to share that message," Tait commented.
Joel chimed in and said grace is what keeps them bonded despite their differences and also brings all people together.
"Maybe it's because we've known each other long enough to know that we all need grace and mercy from our God and from one another. When your living in grace it's easier to extend it to those around you," the returning bassist stated.
Founding member of Newsboys and the group's former drummer and lead vocalist, Fuler believes the issue of racism is running rampant in America and unification should be the main goal.
"I think unity is something that really needs to be talked about now in America more than ever before. You see a lot of that with musicians because music is what unites people, you don't see a lot of racists making great music," Fuler shared.
"Or succeeding, we should say," Tait interjected.
"It's (harmony) there naturally but it doesn't come naturally. It needs to be a part of us and it is something you have to work at. It's more important than your job or your calling," Fuler told CP.
The NewsBoys are one of the most influential bands in Christian music history, having sold more than 8 million units, garnering eight Gold certifications and 33 No. 1 radio hits. Through it all, the members say they have seen God bring people from all different walks of life together at their shows and they are believing God for the same thing on this tour.
"I think another great point of unity in what we get to do is, well part of it is families because we've been together for so long we get to bring together parents and children and even grandparents. But I think [the other] part of it is the ecumenical side," Davis testified. "When you go to an arena at one of your shows, you get people from all kinds of denominations, from all kinds of churches and they're not worried about their doctrinal difference. At this point, they are together in unity worshiping God."
As the Newsboys gear up to be on the road for the next few months, fans will get to hear the band's signature songs, including "We Believe," "He Reigns," "Miracles," "Born Again" and their Platinum-certified smash hit, "God's Not Dead." Their platinum hit inspired one of the most popular Christian film franchises of all time, PureFlix's "God's Not Dead," "God's Not Dead 2," and the upcoming installment "God's Not Dead: Light in Darkness," all of which include appearances by the band.
For further information on their nationwide tour "NewsBoys United," visit