Obama Calls Prop 8 Plaintiffs to Celebrate Supreme Court Ruling During MSNBC Interview

President Barack Obama dialed direct from Air Force One during an MSNBC live segment to congratulate the plaintiffs who challenged California's Proposition 8 amendment that defined marriage in heterosexual terms. The Supreme Court voted on Thursday against having the voter-approved amendment reinstated after it was struck down in 2010.
Obama called the cell phone of Chad Griffin of the Human Rights Campaign during Kris Perry and Sandy Stier's appearance on MSNBC Thursday morning to thank them. Their conversation was televised.
"We're proud of you guys and we're proud to have this in California," said the president, according to the video. "And it's because of your leadership things are heading the right way. So you guys should be very proud today."
"I hope you have a great celebration," added President Obama.
The president, headed to Senegal, called from Air Force One as Perry and Stier were being interviewed live by MSNBC reporter Thomas Roberts. The phone conversation lasted two minutes, according to the HRC, and the caller was identified on Griffin's device as "unknown."
As reported by The Christian Post, the Supreme Court's decision clears the way for same-sex marriage to continue in California, since the 5-4 ruling keeps in place the 2010 ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker that overturned Proposition 8 in the case Hollingsworth v. Perry. Read more about the High Court's groundbreaking decision affecting traditional marriage: Supreme Court Dismisses Prop. 8 Appeal; Gay Marriage Moves Forward in California.
Members of the Christian community shared reaction to the ruling, which came after the justices' 5-4 decision to declare the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional (read: Supreme Court Strikes Down Key Provision in Defense of Marriage Act).
"My thoughts on the SCOTUS ruling that determined that same sex marriage is okay: 'Jesus wept,'" tweeted evangelical Christian and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, referencing John 11:35. He added, "(Five) people in robes said they are bigger than the voters of CA and Congress combined. And bigger than God. May He forgive us all."
Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, tweeted, "This is a Roe v. Wade-type decision, with massive implications for the future. And, for religious liberty."
Watch as President Obama Calls From Air Force One to Congratulate Pro-Gay Marriage Plaintiffs: