Steve Lawson moved out of Texas after resignation, knows he is 'disqualified from ministry': friend

Former Pastor Steven Lawson, who was removed from his position at Trinity Bible Church in Dallas last year due to an adulterous relationship, has moved out of state in a desire to give his family "space," according to a longtime friend.
Pastor Clint Archer of Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Mobile, Alabama, published a blog on The Cripplegate last week providing an update about Lawson, who was removed from ministry in September after confessing to an inappropriate relationship with a woman who was not his wife.
Archer detailed his friendship with Lawson and recalled how, in response to his text reaching out to Lawson, the embattled pastor described his situation as a "shipwreck."
On Thursday, after preaching about 1 Timothy 1:19, which he summarized as discussing "those who have not held their faith with a good conscience and ended up making a shipwreck of their faith," Archer wrote that he felt called to get in touch with Lawson again.
According to Archer, Lawson "poured out his heart" during their phone call, "expressing his deep remorse" and "choking up at times."
Archer stated that Lawson "wanted to make a public statement for a long time but has been wisely counseled not to because anything he said could be misconstrued and used to further hurt the many people affected by his sin."
"Lawson's relationship with the young woman was one of acquaintance and then friendship for approximately five years, but was not one of a sexual nature until very shortly before it was exposed," Archer wrote. "After his adultery was discovered, Lawson confessed his sin to the elders of his church and to his family."
"He moved to Nashville, to temporarily stay with his brother, because that is what all involved agreed would be best for the church and family, as they all processed the shocking news," Archer added. "Lawson agreed to do so until such time that his family and church felt it was appropriate for him to return to Dallas, though no period was stipulated. While in Nashville, he attends church with his brother."
Lawson "is in daily contact with a few men, who have experience counseling fallen pastors, and who were chosen by his spiritual leaders to counsel him and report to his elders," according to Archer. Lawson remains in touch with his wife and receives "spiritual counsel daily from friends and counselors."
Lawson has been back to Dallas to visit his wife.
"He is back in Nashville for the time being," Archer stated. "Lawson is fully aware that he is permanently disqualified from ministry and is not under any illusion that he could ever be restored to a teaching position or ministry capacity that requires the qualifications of an elder. He returned cash advances for book contracts he will no longer publish. He is considering avenues for secular employment."
Archer rejected the contention that Lawson is unrepentant, highlighting how he "offered a full and detailed confession to his elders and family" and temporarily relocated in an effort to give his family "space."
Lawson and Archer discussed the possibility of conducting a video interview where the former pastor would "speak from the heart" about his actions and release the video if Lawson's family, counsel and the elders at his former church agreed to do so.
Archer signaled his intention to share the contents of such an interview if it is conducted in writing or upload audio and video of a conversation between the two to the Cage Free Theology podcast and YouTube channel.
In addition to his role as pastor, Lawson previously served as a dean at John MacArthur's The Master's University and Seminary in California.
Phil Johnson, executive director of MacArthur's Grace to You ministry and a pastor at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, stated in November that the woman involved in the affair was "a consenting adult in her mid-twenties" and "not a member of [Lawson's] church."
He confirmed that while she lived in another state from Lawson and his church, she was a "student at The Master's College during some of the time that they were engaged in this adulterous affair." The relationship lasted about five years until the woman's father caught them, according to Johnson.
Johnson stated that the relationship had "strong romantic overtones" but "no literal fornication was involved," arguing that it was not "a case of pastoral abuse" because the connection with the woman came from her "family's relationship with Lawson and had nothing to do with her student status."
Ryan Foley is a reporter for The Christian Post. He can be reached at: