Planned Parenthood Says It's a Victim of Deceptive Editing After Abortion Doc Is Caught Feasting Over Sell of Baby Body Parts

David Dalieden, project lead for the undercover video that caught a Planned Parenthood abortionist talking about selling aborted babies' body parts, has fired back at the organization's claims that the investigative report was "heavily edited" and "falsely portrays" its "mission."
Eric Fererro, Planned Parenthood's vice president of communications, argued Tuesday that California-based Center for Medical Progress, a group dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics and advances, is: "A well funded group established for the purpose of damaging Planned Parenthood's mission and services [that] has promoted a heavily edited, secretly recorded videotape that falsely portrays Planned Parenthood's participation in tissue donation programs ..."
In the video titled "Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts," Deborah Nucatola, a Planned Parenthood abortionist, said she plans her weekly abortion procuedures with the intent to extract and sell organs. "We've been very good at getting heart, lung, liver ... I'm not gonna crush that part," says Nucatola. "I'm going to basically crush below, I'm not gonna crush above, and I am gonna see if I can get it all intact."
According to the Center for Medical Progress, which released the undercover video on Tuesday, the extraction of organs and limbs for the purpose of sale mentioned by Nucatola is a federal crime. Their undercover video states that it is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and/or a $500,000 fine.
Joe Carter, a communications specialist at the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Church has pointed out, however, that Planned Parenthood's practices might, in fact, be legal.
"The discussion in the video is graphic, gruesome, and disturbing. What's even more shocking is that this practice may actually be legal under current federal law," said Carter.
Speaking with Ava Maria Radio on Tuesday, Dalieden challenged the abortion provider's claim that staff obtain patients' consent to harvest baby parts for fetal tissue research organizations.
Dalieden conceded that the forms exist, but explained that they're not distributed to patients to sign. He also said the abortion provider admitted to "harvesting" aborted body parts "at their clinics" and said "money is exchanged in connection with this."
He further argued that Planned Parenthood lied in its published response in regards to obtaining proper consent from patients, the claim that they are not making money off of this procedure, and "that everything is legal."

"In their response today, they are trying to leverage their goodwill with the public in the modern world of new media and communications," said Dalieden. "I don't think that is a tactic that serves them well anymore. This is available for the whole world to see."
While Planned Parenthood has responded that the video is "heavily edited," a nearly three hour recording of the conversation is available online for the public to watch.
Dalieden added during the Ava Maria interview that he has not seen any evidence that Planned Parenthood has not received less than $50 for a single specimen, and he emphasized that each "specimen" refers to a single body part.
He claimed that the trafficking of aborted human parts is possibly linked to Planned Parenthood's past support of legislation seeking to limit partial birth abortions, as it would undercut their practice of harvesting infant parts for the fetal tissue market.
Dalieden suggested that Planned Parenthood often seeks practices that increase "dilation to bring the head out first," and suggested the possibility of infants being born alive to preserve as many parts as possible. Planned Parenthood uses "foreceps to manipulate the baby in a position to better harvest parts. To get more intact and better baby parts. We are actually talking about infanticide," declared Dalieden.
After the news broke of a possible fetus farm being run by Planned Parenthood, Louisiana's Gov.Bobby Jindal announced investigations into any and all Planned Parenthood activities in his state. The U.S. House of Represenatives announced it is delaying a vote on a Breast Cancer Awareness Commemorative Coin Act, which would have provided almost $5 million to the Susan G. Komen Foundation, a major funder of Planned Parenthood.
After viewing the video, Russell Moore, president of the Religious Liberty & Ethics Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, said Planned Parenthood employees are "not health-care providers but pirates and grave-robbers ..."
The Christian Post in the past has reported on federal funding of Planned Parenthood on multiple occassions.
Planned Parenthood has been the target of undercover abortion stings in the past, where video evidence showed Planned Parenthood workers and volunteers agreeing to break state and federal laws, discussing abortion for the purposes of sex selection, or agreeing with undercover people pretending to want to abort a baby over race. However, none of these videos resulted in any criminal prosecution for the well-known and financed abortion provider.
Republican Presidental candidate Carly Fiorina posted a message on Facebook declaring, "This isn't about choice. It's about profiting on the death of the unborn while telling women it's about empowerment."
The Center for Medical Progress plans to release additional documents and video evidence in the coming days and weeks. Their undercover video that attracted massive attention on Tuesday is part of a nearly three year-long investigation by the organization.
Warning, the content discussed in the video below may be disturbing to some viewers.