Planned Parenthood Offers Less Healthcare, More Abortion

But, but, but Planned Parenthood offers all these other services!
That's the battle cry from "pro-choice" activists across the nation in attempts to redefine what Planned Parenthood clearly is — a business that profits, predominantly, from the killing of over 320,000 human beings a year.
What about those "other services" at Planned Parenthood? Well, they're in a free fall just like mainstream media's credibility.
Breast cancer screenings ... down 51.3% in the last five years.
PAP tests ... down 64.7%.
Prenatal care (which looks to be facing an eventual phase out) ... down 44%.
HPV treatments ... down 37%.
All of these declines have occurred in Planned Parenthood's fiscal years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014.

You won't hear that from America's fake news outlets like MSNBC, CNN, NBC News, New York Times, HuffPo, LA Times and many more. All you hear is that undeniably distinct sound of cheerleading.
Even STD testing has declined 5.4% from 2011-2014.
In the last five years, how many people reading this article have more than doubled their salaries (at the same job, with a situation of drastically declining services and customers)? That's exactly what has happened for abortion mogul Cecile Richards. Despite a massive drop in Planned Parenthood's patients (3 million in 2010 to 2.5 million in 2014), Richards got a massive raise! Despite huge declines in real medical services, she gets a huge 228% increase in her annual salary. In 2010, she was paid $420,153. In 2014 (the latest year reported), she was paid a whopping $957,952!
That's one blood-stained gravy train.

Failure pays. Well, Planned Parenthood doesn't see less healthcare as failure. Since Cecile Richards took over the helm at the eugenics-birthed organization, the number of annual abortions committed rose from 289,750 in 2006 to 323,999 in 2014 — a 12% jump. That's an increase from 23.3% of all U.S. abortions to nearly 32% today. That's something worth celebrating ... at a place that kills for a living.
It's no surprise that Planned Parenthood's focus has been and continues to be on increasing its national "market share" of abortions. There was a brief moment when the short-lived PPFA President, Pamela Maraldo (a nurse by profession), tried to change the organization's mission and have Planned Parenthood become a primary healthcare provider. According to a Harvard Business Review (HBR) case study, this was due to severe declines in women of reproductive age (gee, wonder if abortion and birth control had anything to do with it?) and the emergence of managed care in the 90s that threatened PPFA's revenue base.
"By the early 1990s, however, PPFA revenue growth had flattened, and beginning in 1993 the net margin had begun to decline," according to the study.
Because Planned Parenthood wasn't part of managed care networks, they had increased competition for Medicaid patients and the threat of less state and federal funding, which had been their lifeline.
"We're scared. We're anxious. We need a new strategic vision." These were the words, according to the HBR, of an executive director describing the sentiment throughout the Planned Parenthood Federation.
But they didn't want the vision that Maraldo had. They rejected what was called the "Reinvention Plan" and Maraldo was given a vote of no confidence. She was forced to resign for daring to change the abortion chain's mission. Board members complained about the prospect of turning into a real healthcare provider in a letter decrying the 68-page Reinvention Plan: "The word 'abortion' is mentioned only eight times and never in the discussion of our future."
Well, Planned Parenthood and killing the unborn is like Hillary Clinton and corruption — inseparable.
In 2014, the "nonprofit" reported $309.2 million in Health Services income. Since taxpayer funding doesn't pay for any abortions at PPFA (cough, cough), the only line item that would include abortion revenue is Health Services. Planned Parenthood reports that the cost of killing a baby in the first trimester can be up to $1500. More specific costs can be found here: from $415 to $1110, from 4 weeks to 18 weeks gestation. (Note: PPFA doesn't report the age of the human beings they abort, so as with many unreported details, we have to estimate). The average cost, assuming all PPFA abortions were first trimester (which they're not) would be $762.50. So this cost times 323,999 abortions equals $247,049,237.50. That's 80% of their health services revenue. And this is just including first trimester abortions, when we know PPFA does second trimester abortions (after 20 weeks). This brutality was bragged about by Planned Parenthood's Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola in the Center for Medical Progress' groundbreaking undercover video exposé.
Since Richards' reign, they continually politicize breast cancer. She's lied about PPFA providing mammograms (as brilliantly displayed by Live Action) and those evil Republicans that "want to away women's access" to these services. A billion-dollar, alleged "women's health" organization doesn't want to spend a dime on mammogram machines. So she constantly redirects any time she's asked about Planned Propaganda's abortions. Manual breast exams, which can be done at any real medical facility providing reproductive health care (like the 13,000 taxpayer-funded, federally qualified health centers found at, are rapidly declining at the abortion chain.
When Richards took over as President of PPFA, there were 882,961 breast screenings performed that year. In 2014, only 363,803 breast exams were provided. That's more than half a million, or 519,158, less screenings! Perhaps that's because they've lost 670,540 clients since the political operative took charge — 3,140,540 "unduplicated" clients in 2006 to 2,470,000 in 2014. (Thanks to American Life League's STOPP International for the archived PPFA Annual Reports!)
In the world of abortion advocacy, numbers don't matter (unless you make them up). Facts don't matter. Feelings and faux equality are supreme.
Our nation needs to have an honest conversation about Planned Parenthood, free of the mainstream media's spin, free of the abortion giant's tens of millions spent in election campaigning and advertising, and free of the shouting from pro-abortion activists who defend something they know so little about.
Originally posted at