Rick Warren, John Piper, Mark Driscoll Among Top Christian Bloggers
Longtime blogger and Christian minister Adrian Warnock recently complied a list of the top 200 Christian bloggers ranked by their number of Twitter followers. High on the list are Saddleback Pastor Rick Warren, John Piper of Desiring God Ministries, and Seattle Pastor Mark Driscoll.
Here are the top 10 Christian blogs as ranked by Twitter followers based on Warnock's Sept. 27 list (with most current Twitter stats listed by CP):
1. Rick Warren - Senior Pastor, Saddleback Church
732,642 Followers @RickWarren (Today: 737,813 Followers; 8,988 Following; 6,995 Tweets)

2. John Maxwell - Bestselling author and speaker on leadership
490,199 Followers @JohnCMaxwell (Today: 496,549 Followers; 466,321 Following; 3,321 Tweets)

3. John Piper - Pastor, Bethlehem Baptist Church
355,678 Followers @JohnPiper (Today: 358,592 Followers; 84 Following; 4,894 Tweets)

4. Mark Driscoll - Pastor, Mars Hill Church
278,331 Followers @PastorMark (Today: 280,369 Followers; 4,697 Following; 6,827 Tweets)

5. Beth Moore - Living Proof Ministries
179,687 Followers @BethMooreLPM (Today: 181,980 Followers; 38 Following; 5,171 Tweets)

6. Matt Chandler - Pastor, The Village Church
160,235 Followers @MattChandler74 (Today: 161,843 Followers; 168 Following; 3,519 Tweets)

7. Michael Hyatt - Author, former Chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers
149,754 Followers @MichaelHyatt (Today: 150,954 Followers; 188 Following; 24,184 Tweets)

8. Donald Miller - Bestselling author and public speaker
120,705 Followers @donaldmiller (Today: 121,864 Followers; 548 Following; 9,676 Tweets)

9. Desiring God - God-centered resources from the ministry of John Piper
119,844 Followers @desiringgod (Today: 120,693 Followers; 568 Following; 6,722 Tweets)
10. Stuff Christians Like - blog founded by author Jon Acuff
114,963 Followers @jonacuff (Today: 115,879 Followers; 53,625 Following; 16,289 Tweets)

Others featured on Warnock's list of the top 200 Christian blogs ranked by their Twitter followers include:
11. Scott Williams 113,992
12. Sydney Mohede 100,952
13. Ron Edmondson 92,746
14. Compassion 83,930
15. Bosco Peters 74,414
16. Christianity Today 69,745
17. Perry Noble 69,633
18. Ed Stetzer 66,588
19. Priscilla Shirer 60,654
20. The Resurgence 56,519
21. Josh Harris 55,547
22. Gospel Coalition 51,357
23. Bob Roberts 50,429
24. Al Mohler 45,927
25. Tullian Tchividjian 44,481
26. Patrick Dixon 42,509
27. John MacArthur 37,336
28. Ann Voskamp 32,258
29. Rachelle Gardener 27,930
30. Ligonier 27,806
View the full list on Warnock's website: http://adrianwarnock.com.