Teacher identifying as Mx., pushing 'Gender Unicorn' sign of schools turning into ‘sexual war zones’

A teacher’s decision to hand out “The Gender Unicorn” worksheets to students on the first day of class to express his preference for the nonbinary title of Mx. instead of Mr. is the latest example of schools being turned into “sexual war zones,” says Rebecca Friedrichs.
When northern California students went back to school last week, parents didn't know their kids' science teacher would be advocating for transgender issues and pushing the belief that there are more than two sexes.
Luis Davila Alvarado, who teaches seventh- and eighth-grade science at Denair Middle School, was handing out The Gender Unicorn worksheets to students when the school's principal stopped him, according to The Modesto Bee.
The school's principal "happened to be in his second period class as part of her routine visits on the first day of school. When she saw the content of the handout, she spoke with the teacher and directed him to stop distributing it,” Superintendent Terry Metzger told The Modesto Bee.
The Gender Unicorn character was created for the group Trans Student Educational Resources, which is known for distributing its advocacy materials to schools nationwide. The paper provides a snapshot of transgender ideology packaged for children and lists the differences between sexual and emotional attraction, as well as gender identity and gender expression.
Alvarado, who is male, told his students that instead of using the courtesy title Mr., he wanted them to use the gender-neutral prefix Mx. To get a better understanding of that, he handed out The Gender Unicorn graphic for a class discussion.
Metzger told The Modesto Bee that she and the school's principal spoke with the teacher and explained why it was a poor decision. Metzger added that gender identity is among the topics discussed in the seventh through 12th grade sexual health and HIV/AIDS prevention curriculum, and insisted it was not a topic to be taught during science class.
Friedrichs, founder of the teacher and child advocacy organization For Kids & Country, said in an email to The Christian Post that the school and its administration are in a difficult situation. But added that the superintendent was wrong when she insisted that the law doesn't permit gender identity to be taught during science class or any other subject.
The California Healthy Youth Act — which took effect in January 2016 — does allow teachers to teach “gender identity, and gender expression” at any grade level provided that it is framed as “anti-bullying” of LGBT persons, she explained.
"Most parents and teachers would support their actions of requiring a teacher to refrain from passing out Gender Unicorn sheets to young students. Schools are for educational excellence for kids; they shouldn’t be training grounds for social agendas or sexual war zones," Friedrichs said.
"However, thanks to state and national teachers’ unions and their powerful allies at the ACLU, Planned Parenthood and a host of others, California law has turned our schools into sexual battlegrounds and is in direct opposition to the desires of most loving parents and teachers.
"Parental permission or knowledge is never required. Parents and teachers who push back are silenced by unions, the ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center and a very powerful lobby," Frederichs said.
The SPLC has come under scrutiny in recent years for listing mainstream conservative and religious organizations alongside radical fringe groups and white nationalist organizations on its "hate map." Many major media outlets use the SPLC as their go-to resource when reporting on political extremism in the United States.
In California, the state's teachers’ association provides a “Social Justice Toolkit for Students” through which kids can report “hate incidents” to the SPLC, Frederichs said. "Thus, activists can push their sexual agenda into our classrooms, and teachers unions and their powerful allies will defend them with the power of the law they helped to write, bolstering up their arguments."
The views of the teachers' unions are bolstered by a Democrat super majority in the state legislature, she said, effectively silencing and steamrolling the tens of thousands of parents and teachers who have voiced objections.
"Just like unions claim to 'represent' teachers and protect kids, they also claim to 'represent' LGBTQ individuals and protect children with gender dysphoria," Friedrichs said. "Tragically, in both cases, their 'representation' is really the exploitation of vulnerable groups of people. Unions 'represent' only themselves — their political agenda, their power, their wealth, and their control — everyone who dares to push back gets squashed.”