Texas ‘prophet’ followers call ‘Jesus in the flesh’ shown in sex tape with multiple women

Self-styled Texas prophet and internet preacher Joshua Holmes, who went viral in recent months for his ministry theatrics that led many of his female followers to start calling him “Jesus in the flesh," has been captured in leaked video recordings indulging in explicit sexual activity with two women who are not his wife.
Media personality Larry Reid, first reported on his show last Wednesday that he was sent the explicit recordings. The recordings have also been shared on Twitter and YouTube and with The Christian Post.
“This is a sex tape. This is a sexual escapade captured on the phone,” Reid told his audience about the recordings.
Holmes, a flamboyant young minister, whom many critics have dismissed as a dangerous departure from orthodox Christianity, has been defended by his followers as “Jesus in the flesh” as he professes healings and "money miracles."
The Christian Post previously reported on a 1-minute video promotion for his ministry showing women and men swooning with a wave of his jacket or what appeared to be a mere breath from his mouth.
“For all you haters if you don't know Prophet Joshua Holmes you ain't got the Holy Spirit. That's all I gotta say," a young woman noted in a viral video on Facebook dismissing critics of the preacher. "He is changing lives every day. He is Jesus in the flesh. He is very tangible. He's got the power of God on him."
Holmes was also featured on the Word Network's "Greg Davis Live" show last fall and declared that the Lord had been leading him to focus on "wealth in the body of Christ."
Last month he was a featured guest of Bishop George G. Bloomer on the network where he delivered a vague prophesy about what 2019 would look like.
Former members of Holmes’ flock like Yasir Wright however, have stated on social media that the preacher is a fraud and accused him, prior to the release of these videos, of sleeping with several women in his church even though he is a married father.
Holmes did not immediately respond to a request for comment from CP on the explicit videos on Monday. David Sheffield, the Word Network’s general manager was also not immediately available to discuss the propriety of Holmes' continued appearance on shows on the network that caters to a predominantly black Christian audience.
Despite his apparent infidelity, Holmes doled out teachings in a recent video he posted on Periscope he says will keep his followers out of poverty and help them “never commit another sin.”
“I’m talking about entertaining God, the prophet and the angels. If you understand these three realms, you’ll never be broke, you’ll never have another sin that you commit in your life. You’ll never commit another sin if you learn this,” he said.
“Over 95 percent of what Jesus would tell you to do is not for you ... everything that the Holy Spirit is speaking to you is for someone else. He not talking to you about you and when you get into you that’s why you invite the demon of depression. That’s why you invite the demon of self-centeredness. That’s why you become wicked. That’s why you become evil. Whenever you start speaking or you start focusing on you. That’s when you fall into error. That’s when you fall into deception because it becomes about you and God don’t want it in that vein,” he said.
Information on Holmes and where he came from remains vague and limited even on his now defunct ministry website, where he peddled a book about prophetic mysteries for more than $100 per copy.
He previously shared a tale of how he moved into a mansion 48 hours after sowing thousands of dollars into the ministry of televangelist Mike Murdock.
"I have a miracle ministry and a lot of people have been getting healed but I've been seeing that a lot of women and men are ignorant of the wealth anointing in Deuteronomy Chapter 8 verse 18. Earlier this year I was challenged by God to sow a major seed. I had a place where I was living inside of. I now live in a mansion off this major seed that I sowed. In 48 hours I moved into the mansion," Holmes told Davis.
Watch @JOSHUAHOLMES777's broadcast: Entertaining KING JESUS, THE PROPHET, And ANGELS ????????????This Is A Deep One???????????? https://t.co/HszMyYigqf
— eben (@eben__ferreira) February 18, 2019