This Boy Was Born With No Limbs and Abandoned by His Mother, but God Had the Perfect Plan for Him!

Despite being born with no arms and no legs, Gabe Adams believes he can do it all with a smile on his face. When he was baby, he was left at the hospital with no one to take him home. Once one family found out, they didn't think twice about letting him join their family.
Gabe is an inspiration to everyone around him because of this video. It's a remarkable story that symbolizes strength, power, character and courage. Gabe is able to do things just like any person who has their limbs, including exercising, swimming, writing, eating, combing his hair and singing. His talents are God-given and he is blessed in more ways than he could ever imagine. Praying is something that Gabe includes in his everyday routine.
Gabe's story will warm your heart and show you that God always has a plan for you. Check out Gabe's miraculous story below: