Twitter, eBay, Instagram make ‘Dirty Dozen List’ of businesses profiting off sexual exploitation

The Facebook-affiliated photo-sharing website Instagram made the Dirty Dozen List this year, with NCOSE citing research indicating that online child abuse is common on the site.
“A 2022 study published by Thorn, a leading resource on online child exploitation, found that Instagram tied with Kik and Tumblr as the platform where minors reported the second highest rates of online sexual interactions with people they thought were adults,” explained NCOSE.
“And a recent survey of 1,000 parents across the US by ParentsTogether found that Instagram correlated with higher rates of parent-reported children sharing sexual images of themselves — a form of Child Sex Abuse Material.”
In 2020, Instagram worked with NCOSE to develop improved reporting systems for its app, as well as a better way to turn off direct messages from accounts run by strangers.