What Are the 8 Types of Jihad? Former Radical Muslim Explains

3. Education jihad
Another way in which Islam is trying to gain influence in the cultures of the Western world, Abla said, is by devout Muslims paying tuition for other Muslims to attend prestigious Western universities like Harvard, Yale, Oxford or Cambridge.
"These are going to be the people of the future to be in high positions," she explained.
Abla admitted that she participated in "education jihad" when she was married to her first husband because his family was so involved with it.
"They pay their Harvard education, they pay Princeton, they pay Yale," Abla explained in an interview with CP in February. "So we were shoveling money to this kind of educational Jihad so those people could be in high places in power to dictate what needs to happen in the Western world [and] to Islamize the Western world. This is an ideology type of Islam and I was part of that."
"We were so ambitious ... to send these kids to those colleges," Abla further stated last week. "It was like almost tithing or giving an offering or sending a missionary. You are sending a missionary and you giving all your income to one kid to go to Harvard."
Educational jihad is not only meant to help Muslims reach high standing in society but it also to help infiltrate the institutions.
"Education jihad has two parts. One is very powerful countries like Saudi Arabia, they invest into these colleges. They give millions of dollars a year. ... So they have a lot of saying into these colleges' curriculums," Abla claimed. "The other way is by sending these Muslim youths into these colleges. What happens is when they graduate, they don't have green cards but they have the highest chance of being hired by a company to get a green card."
4. Economic jihad
Abla also discussed "economical jihad," which can also referred to as "financial jihad." Much like "media jihad," Abla explained that wealthy and influential radical Muslims are investing in various businesses, banks, stocks and properties in the Western world.
"Right now, there are enormous amount of Muslims investors in the U.K. and America," she said. "They partner with the banks. They are populating and ruling over the economy."
Abla contended that the goal behind this kind of investing is to obtain power within the culture.
"Anywhere that you invest money, you have cultural power. Anywhere you are a shareholder, you have cultural power. You have a voice when you invest your money. That voice is the voice of Islam," she argued. "When you invest your money in any field, you are basically buying people, you are basically buying companies. They are going to sooner or later going to mold into your ideology."
5. Physical jihad
"Physical jihad," or what Abla refers to as "war against infidels," is probably the most recognizable form of jihad, as terrorist groups like the Islamic State, Boko Haram and others are constantly in the news because they continue to kill nonbelievers and dissenting Muslims in places like the Middle East and Africa and carry out attacks on soft targets in the West.
Abla explained that some Muslims are brainwashed into believing that Muslims are called to carry out wars against Christians, Jews and others until everyone dies or they become Muslims. Specifically, she pointed to Quran 2:171-173.
"Quran is calling them evildoers. They are thinking Christians and Jews are not human beings. They are part of Satan's kingdom and when they kill Christians and Jews, they are destroying Satan's kingdom," Abla said. "They were brainwashed and I was one of them. They were brainwashed with physical jihad to physically kill them. They believe in ethnic cleansing. So when you ask about physical jihad, it is not only war and defense, it includes ethnic cleansing — genocide."
Abla asserted that Muslims are called to carry out jihad until everybody is either killed or recites the Muslim declaration of faith.