Americans Have Negative View Of Evangelicals, Health Teacher's Sexual Fantasy Assignment, Wyoming Bans Abortion Pills
Top headlines for Tuesday, March 21, 2023
When it comes to Jews, mainline Protestants and Catholics, Americans tend to view those groups more favorably than atheists, Muslims and Mormons, according to a recent survey.
A health teacher in Oregon has been placed on leave after parents raised concerns about assignments asking students to describe their sexual fantasies and which students in the class they would like to have sexual relations with.
Wyoming has passed legislation criminalizing the sale and prescription of abortion pills as Republican Gov. Mark Gordon signed a bill dubbed the "first of its kind."
A 37-year-old Christian theology lecturer at the Methodist-run Cliff College in England has been dismissed after he shared his views in a tweet saying “homosexuality is invading the church."
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- More Americans negatively view Evangelicals than other religious | U.S. News
- Health teacher placed on leave over sexual fantasies assignment | U.S. News
- Library director fired for 'pushback' at Kirk Cameron event | U.S. News
- Wyoming passes first-of-its-kind law banning abortion pills | Politics News
- Members of Congress: UK ‘threat’ putting Christians under attack | U.S. News
- Methodist college fires lecturer for tweet about homosexuality | World News