7 Ways to unleash your God-given healing to fight COVID-19
Our immune system is front and center in preventing all diseases. Germs and bacteria have been with us since the Fall of Man. As U.S. states relax COVID-19 restrictions, there are seven ways we can boost our immune system to prevent further infections. These same changes allowed my body to return to vibrant health during and after my cancer treatments. They also enable us to unleash the power of our own God-given immune systems to fight COVID-19 as well as any other diseases.
Practice CDC guidelines.

Continue to practice social distancing, wear a mask in public, wash hands constantly, isolate those who are sick, and be careful about touching what others touch. Those who are elderly or have underlying conditions may need to continue the quarantine.
Stay properly hydrated.
Every cell and every system in our bodies require plentiful water to work properly. The mucus in our respiratory system provides a crucial barrier against infections and is empowered by water. Half your body weight in fluid ounces daily is your minimal goal. Unfortunately, most Americans are living their lives dehydrated.
Keep moving.
Our bodies work best when we move during the day. Movement increases the production of our immune killer B and T cells. It also helps our lymphatic system take out the trash from our bodies. The sedentary lifestyle contributes to many diseases. Throughout our recent quarantine, my husband and I walked several miles per day in addition to our exercise routines. Following the quarantine, movement should continue to be a daily habit because it enhances every system in our bodies.
Eat a nutrient-rich, balanced diet.
If you binged on comfort foods during quarantine, stop now. We are what we eat. Our bodies can be strengthened through eating a nutrient-rich, more plant-based diet. Many fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants and phytochemicals which also boost our immune systems. Highly processed foods, intemperate alcohol, excessive sugar, trans fats, and fried foods suppress our immune systems. Gluten, dairy and food allergies can suppress the immune system in some people. God gave us many natural foods that help our bodies heal. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends that we increase our daily servings of fruits and vegetables due to the rise of chronic diseases in our country.
Nourish and protect your gut.
Did you know that 70 percent of our immune system is located in the gut? A healthy gut filled with good bacteria can often eradicate a virus that enters through the mouth. In addition to eating prebiotic fiber, we need to eat several probiotic foods daily such as yogurt and fermented foods. My husband and I also take a probiotic supplement each day. We can protect our gut by removing irritating foods that are highly processed and fried or contain excess sugar and alcohol, trans fats, gluten, and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). Many GMO foods are high in toxins from pesticides. Our gut lining, when properly nourished, allows the good nutrients to flow throughout our body and keeps the bad stuff out. It’s an important part of our God-designed, protective armor.
Allow your body to heal and repair with restorative sleep.
While you are reading this article, your body is performing miracles to protect you from disease. When you are in deep sleep, the miracles of healing increase exponentially. Our bodies heal, repair and detox when we sleep. Melatonin, a hormone created in deep sleep, is a major cancer fighter and immune builder. Your healing can be as close as your pillow — and it’s free. If you are exposed to COVID-19 and you engage in deep sleep on a regular basis, it will be less likely to activate in your body.
Use recommended supplements to support your immune system.
Many doctors are recommending vitamin D (2000 – 5000 IU), vitamin C (1000 mg two times per day), zinc (30 mg), and a good multivitamin and mineral complex (that covers all daily recommendations). Check with your doctor.
Thankfully, most infected people are fully recovering from COVID-19. According to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, the top five deadliest underlying conditions for COVID-19 are heart disease (66%), diabetes (56%), neurological disease (30%), bronchitis/COPD (29%), and kidney disease (23%). COVID-19 is a wake-up call for all of us to get back in shape or stay in shape. This coronavirus is exacerbated by weaknesses in our armor.
In an interview with Dr. David Jockers on “The Fasting Transformation Summit,” Dr. David Perlmutter, a well-known neurologist, posed this question, “What do Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease have in common?” His response was, “They are all inflammatory conditions.” This information encourages us to lower inflammation in our bodies to prevent many chronic diseases. Addressing inflammation in my body by implementing these seven suggestions enabled me to beat cancer and return to vibrant health.
God created our bodies with an innate ability to heal and fight disease, and our immune system is our first line of defense. It stands between us and any chronic disease, cancer, flu or virus. These seven ways allow our immune system to work as God intended thereby allowing us to unleash our God-given healing to fight COVID-19.
Ginny Dent Brant is a speaker and writer who grew up in the halls of power in Washington, D.C., as the daughter of Harry S. Dent Sr., an American political strategist considered as one of the architects of the Republican Southern Strategy. She has battled cancer, ministered around the world, and served on the front lines of American culture as a counselor, educator, wellness advocate, and adjunct professor. Her book, “Unleash Your God-Given Healing: Eight Steps to Prevent and Survive Cancer,” was written with commentary by a practicing oncologist and medical researcher. Visit her cancer prevention blog and more info at www.ginnybrant.com.