3 truths to remember when your life needs resurrecting

On Easter Sunday, we’ll listen to the annual sermon that reminds us of the greatest miracle of all time — Jesus' life, death and resurrection, which rescued us from death and now offers us eternal life. Then, it will be Monday. On that day, many of us will be tempted to live as though the tomb isn’t empty. We might forget how to apply our Easter celebration to the rest of the year.
Is it because we don’t have faith enough to fully believe? Or, maybe we wrestle with our worthiness and don’t think we deserve this miracle of all miracles. Maybe God doesn’t operate that way anymore and we shouldn’t expect empty tomb-sized miracles today.
I get it, but don’t let those untruths keep your faith locked in the tomb behind a stone. Jesus is alive right now and because He rolled away that stone, walked out spotless, and is seated at the right hand of God today, anything is possible in our lives.
If there’s a need in your life that is still languishing in the grave, I encourage you to consider these three truths about Christ’s miracle of all miracles:
1. You can fully believe without fully understanding
Possibly the greatest encouragement you can give to someone who wants to deepen their faith in Christ is this — you can fully believe in Jesus, trust Him, surrender your life to His Lordship and eventually experience eternal life — all without fully understanding it while you are here on this earth.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. We’re not meant to “figure them out.” It’s not even possible. When we try to figure out in our minds how or when God is going to do something, then we’re not fully trusting Him. God never said that faith requires us to figure things out. He’s beyond our comprehension. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1).
For us to walk in greater levels of faith, it’s important that we don’t try to calculate, reason, or prove how God is going to heal, provide, restore, or meet our needs. That doesn’t mean that we aren’t to seek Godly wisdom or take steps toward the needs we’re praying for, of course. Seek medical advice, network to find that new job or see a Christian marriage counselor, all while believing that God can and will meet our needs according to His fully ordained plan.
2. Your doubts do not disqualify you
As we endeavor to fully receive the ultimate rescue through the resurrection of Jesus, we bring all of our insecurities, pride, arrogance, doubts, and anxiety. We bring our humanness, our flesh and our mess. We leave nothing behind. Here’s the good news — Jesus is in the business of meeting us right where we are. He did it during His time as a man on earth and He’s still doing it today.
Do you have questions and doubts? Join the club. It doesn’t disqualify you from stepping inside the tomb to see Jesus Has risen. Mary Magdalene herself, who had traveled with Jesus and the disciples for years and was told in advance what would happen, still thought Jesus’ body had been stolen from the tomb. Beside herself with grief, she questioned everything in that moment.
Remember, Jesus never stuck His finger in the chest of those who came to Him and said, “Nope, not enough faith. Come back when you’ve mustered up more.” He accepted everyone in whatever condition they came. The point is they came in faith and the amount of faith they had didn't matter to Jesus.
Hebrew 11:6 reminds us, “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” When I read that my heart gravitates to “draw near” and “believe.” And if, unlike Jesus, you’re looking inside yourself measuring your own faith and thinking you don’t have enough, I have good news. “Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Rom. 10:17). This means if you don’t have it, you can get it!
3. Your problem is not too big for God
What in your life needs resurrecting? What’s the miracle you need? Name it. Write it out. Don’t be afraid. You have not because you ask not (James 4:2). Ask Him. I’m not touting the old “name it and claim it” thing. I’m simply saying, lay it at the feet of Jesus and then trust Him. Maybe you think your problem is too big for Him. It’s definitely not. He defeated death, Hell and the grave. He created the Heavens and the Earth. He knew you before He formed you. He can handle whatever you bring Him.
Believe in your miracle. Come boldly before His throne of grace trusting for resurrection in those deepest places of need in your life. The tomb is empty and anything is possible.
Joby Martin is the founder and lead pastor of The Church of Eleven22 in Jacksonville, Florida. He is the author of “If the Tomb is Empty: Why the Resurrection Means Anything is Possible” (2022) and “Anything is Possible: How Nine Miracles of Jesus Reveal God’s Love for You” (2023). Pastor Joby wrote both books in collaboration with New York Times bestselling novelist, Charles Martin.