Celebrating womanhood: 4 ways to a fruitful and fulfilling living

Tragically in today’s society, we are surrounded by millions of women who are frustrated trying to find help. Many turn to social media and programs like “The View” in search of solutions to their mixed-up lives.
Since the departure and death of icon Barbara Walters (who launched the show), the mantle for moderator went to the multi-gifted and extremely opinionated Whoopi Goldberg. She often leads the pack on the panel to tell her fawning audience advice on numerous subjects and actually is quite transparent about her life!
Whoopi provides full disclosure in sharing that she’s blown through three marriages, six abortions and recently wrote a book on marriage and relationships. The self-help book is entitled, If Someone Says ‘You Complete Me’…RUN!
God’s masterplan
The Bible describes feminine beauty and strength not in terms of free-for-all sexual activity or masculine aggressiveness but by inward character. A woman is “clothed with strength and dignity” (Prv. 31:25) because she possesses not a weak but “meek and quiet spirit which is of great worth in God’s sight” (1 Pet.3:4). Meekness is not weakness, but rather a strength under control, and a quiet spirit means an inner peace amidst outward turbulence.
Scripture heralds the high calling of womanhood, giving our female friends and family value and an honorable place in society. At the same time, it celebrates clear distinctions between male and female and teaches equal worth but different function.
Jesus demonstrated love and respect for women in a culture where women were considered inferior and often downplayed. He taught women and even had some travel with Him and His disciples (Luke 8:1–3). He ordained women to be first at the cradle, last at His cross, and first at the crypt of His Resurrection! Jesus lifted them up and demonstrated the equality and worth of every woman’s personhood.
Four areas to find security and significance
There are three basic needs that we all have: significance, relationship, and transcendence. God’s plan is to fulfill all of these as we turn away from self-centered, selfish living to one characterized by service and ministry to others that can put women on a pathway to purpose, peace, and prosperity.
1. Ministry of prayer
His mother Mary and His devoted friend Mary of Bethany both modeled the priority of communion with God and cultivating a strong relationship with Him. The world’s counterfeit is transcendental meditation or wine-sipping escapism but when women pursue this “one thing” they benefit in numerous ways that pay rich dividends on a daily basis.
2. Ministry of creative expression
When King Lemuel (his name means “belonging to God”) asked his mother what he should look for in a woman, she ran through an amazing list of character qualities and meaningful activities (Prv. 31:10-31). Discovering divine order, Christian women discover and demonstrate the many-faceted aspects of womanhood.
Edith Schaeffer, the wife of one of the premier Christian thinkers of the 20th century, Francis Schaeffer, aptly stated in her book, The Hidden Heart of Homemaking, how women can learn to see all of life’s “routine” tasks — cooking, interior designing, etc. as opportunities for divinely inspired excellence and creativity.
As my wife invested herself in our family and home, people would sometimes ask cynically, “What the heck do you do all day?” I prepared a calling card for her as our “Household Executive” with her name and 3 descriptive bullets:
- Family Management
- Spousal Consultation
- Childhood Development
3. Ministry of a wife and mother
Against the backdrop of a secular culture, often ridiculing homemakers to exult the pursuit of outside-the-home careers, many women are discovering another alternative of unselfishly investing in their offspring with a long-term vision. Before she died, Betty Friedan, grandmother of the Feminist movement, admitted, “The superwoman concept is not working!”
Amidst global warming activists pooh-poohing having children, ponder where we’d be without Founding Father Benjamin Franklin (who was 10th in his family) or our greatest president, Abraham Lincoln, who declared, “All that I am, and all that I shall be, I owe to my mother.”
Sarah Edwards, the wife of Jonathan Edwards (who led our First Great Awakening), left a legacy of 100 lawyers, 30 judges, 66 physicians, 3 governors, a U.S. Senator plus a Vice-President of the United States!
While we pay tribute to the sacrificial example of scores of single moms today, let’s honor women who unite with husbands taking a step of faith in lowering their standard of living to improve their family’s quality of life for now and future generations.
Watch at the end of the "Big George Foreman" Christian-oriented film now in theaters when it mentions their 12 children and how God phenomenally provided for them.
4. Ministry of a single woman
In honoring womanhood, may we never minimize but rather magnify the tremendous role single women can play in our lives. On a personal level, our precious daughter is an inspiration to multitudes in her adventurous God-centered lifestyle while being “best of friends” with my wonderful wife of 47 years.
Contrary to the image of self-centered, sex-starved, seductive bachelorettes portrayed in the media, there is a generation being groomed by God to demonstrate Christ-centered character and passion for living provoking the world to jealousy by the quality of life they live.
These single women speak out courageously on cultural issues; lead in ministries protecting the unborn, the poor, and victims of sex trafficking; run for political office; emerge in influential positions of media; evangelize and communicate God’s Word uncompromisingly; minister in prophetic worship and creative realms of music, writing and dramatic arts and hospitality; mentor younger girls; and on, and on and on.
Jesus was single and He ordained a wide sphere of valuable and indispensable ministries for women in every season of life. He’s calling forth and challenging young women everywhere to rise up like Esther, discover their destiny, use their gifts, and make a difference in their generation.
Here’s the deal: Albert Schweitzer, world-famous theologian and physician, once said, “I don’t know what your destiny will be; but one thing I know, the ones among you who will really be happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” As the spotlight rightly turns at this time to honor women, making a righteous impact in troublesome times, let’s do so enthusiastically while we also pray for multitudes of women who are still walking in darkness and need to hear the transformative message of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Larry Tomczak author of 10 books, is a cultural commentator of 50 yrs, Intercessors for America board member, best-selling author and a public policy adviser with Liberty Counsel. His new, innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (see www.bullseyechallenge.com). and he has a variety of resources on his website (see www.larrytomczak.com). You can also hear his weekly podcast here.