The NAACP: Still shilling for killing of black lives

Back in January 2013, I received a shocking letter from an organization I grew up revering: the NAACP. It demanded I cease and desist from parodying their name. They sued me — a brown guy — for exercising my First Amendment right by calling out the group’s radical pro-abortion position and policies. I entitled the article: “NAACP — NationalAssociation for the Abortion of Colored People.”
Although they were defeated in federal court (thank you Alliance Defending Freedom!) after two long years of their anti-free speech nonsense, they’re still shilling for the killing of black lives. Tragically, they’re even more blatantly pro-abortion today than ever.
January was Sanctity of Human Life Month. February is Black History Month. The NAACP didn’t have a word to say about Human Life Month, because those lives don’t matter when they’re the most vulnerable, most marginalized and most attacked. In 2023, abortion erased an estimated 409,615 Black lives full of promise, full of purpose. You can’t celebrate Black history if abortion makes you history.
When Senator Lindsey Graham proposed a weak federal 15-week abortion ban, the NAACP reacted with ferocity. Only four percent of abortions occur after the 15th week, yet this is how the NAACP’s president, Derrick Johnson, responded: “Another day, another blatant attack on our democracy. Sen. Graham's new abortion ban bill is un-American, unconstitutional, and tyrannical. Elections matter … everyone must get out and vote to stop this wave of fascistic and oppressive politics. America's future remains dangerously uncertain, but each of you holds the sacred power to vote, and you must use it.”
Life is more sacred than the power to vote. So don’t talk about “democracy” unless we the people means all the people. One would think with America’s historic, and at times tragic, timeline on racial injustice that so-called civil rights groups wouldn’t be so forgetful about the devastating consequences of denying personhood to any human being. Johnson believes it’s “fascistic” and “tyrannical” to save human lives? The NAACP actually partners with the leading killer of Black lives — Planned Parenthood — which absurdly brands itself an “anti-racist” organization. The NAACP calls abortion “reproductive justice” when it’s clearly reproductive violence.
The civil wrongs group stood against Florida’s 6-week abortion ban, lying about how the “Florida Legislature has chosen to further restrict that access while simultaneously denying the expansion of crucial family planning and support services.” HB7 and SB300, both titled the “Pregnancy and Parenting Support” bills, simultaneously banned abortion and dramatically increased funding for pregnancy and post-partum services by $25 million. The NAACP also threw its support behind the radical Women’s Health Protection Act of 2023, a bill that would have erased every state pro-life law and forced a restriction-free abortion regime on the federal level.
Yet the vast majority of Americans believe there should be restrictions on abortion: 12% think it should be illegal in all situations and another 48% say it should be legal under certain conditions. Only 35% of American voters believe abortion should be unrestricted. That’s the contingent with whom the NAACP identifies. Any limitation, whatsoever, is too much for the NAACP. They want unlimited abortion access, no matter the reason, no matter the consequence to mothers and their dismembered children.
How can you possibly cry “Racism!” while standing for the systemic annihilation of millions of Black lives — lives far more disproportionately targeted by a multi-billion abortion industry than any other demographic? I couldn’t understand this dissonance in 2013 and still can’t wrap my mind around it today in 2025.
Johnson posted on X, and the NAACP reposted: “The NAACP will continue to advocate for policies that dismantle systemic injustices and strive to improve the lives of Black people and all Americans.” It's a lie. They allow a predatory industry to destroy our Posterity and exploit mothers, no matter the beautiful hue of skin. They ignore the epidemic of fatherlessness that Roe engendered and that present pro-abortion laws ensure. Another one of Johnson’s posts, during the 2024 election, rang hollow too: “Black women, we will never stop fighting for you.” Did they fight for Tonya Reaves, Lakisha Wilson, or Cree Erwin — all Black women killed by “safe” and “legal” abortion? Did they denounce an unaccountable abortion industry that killed Amber Thurman, a mother of twins, who died as a direct result of taking mifepristone, the DIY chemical abortion pill? The Left desperately trying to blame her death on Georgia’s abortion bans is like blaming smoking bans for killing smokers.
Speaking of smoking, the NAACP has made it a frontline battle. They’re fighting to remove menthol in cigarettes and accuse the tobacco industry of disproportionately targeting the Black community with death. A press release from the NAACP states: “… tobacco use is a major contributor to three leading causes of death among African Americans — heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Additionally, the CDC acknowledges that smoking is the leading cause of preventable death.”
I think smoking is horrible. I’m all about eliminating it. But abortion deaths outnumber the top 15 leading causes of death, combined, in the black community! There were 480,000 smoking deaths in 2022: 11.7% or 56,160 deaths were among Black Americans. That’s one-seventh of the 409,615 deaths of Black lives caused by preventable abortions.
Of all the negative health disparities, abortion is the only one that the NAACP has deemed worthy of celebrating and increasing. It's their first health initiative under the policy/legislation section on their website, and they proclaim: “Access to comprehensive reproductive health services, including contraception, family planning and safe abortion services, is a fundamental right.” There is prevalent access to contraception and family planning via pharmacies, schools, and 15,000 taxpayer-funded Community Health Centers. And with the Black population making up the largest percentage of abortions nationwide (39.5%), there’s clearly no “lack of access” to the violence of abortion. The NAACP never states that Lifeis a fundamental right. They also never mention the need to increase pre-natal care or pregnancy support services.
It's why I still call them the National Association for the Abortion of Colored People.
Ryan Bomberger is the Chief Creative Officer and co-founder of The Radiance Foundation. He is happily married to his best friend, Bethany, who is the Executive Director of Radiance. They are adoptive parents with four awesome kiddos. Ryan is an Emmy Award-winning creative professional, factivist, international public speaker and author of NOT EQUAL: CIVIL RIGHTS GONE WRONG. He loves illuminating that every human life has purpose.