Karen Farris

Karen Farris

Op-ed contributor

Karen Farris saw the need to help underserved kids while serving in a youth ministry that gave her the opportunity to visit rural schools on the Olympic Peninsula. She now volunteers her time grant writing to bring resources to kids in need. She also shares stories of faith in action for those needing a dose of hope on her weekly blog, Friday Tidings.www.fridaytidings.com


  • The second look

    The second look

    As I think of it now, it was probably the beginning of an obsessive compulsive trait. I was probably five or six—and ...

  • How one desperate woman succeeded without gov't assistance

    How one desperate woman succeeded without gov't assistance

    Long before government programs assisted single moms and children, Mae needed to find a way to support herself and her young daughter, Gracie.

  • Marriage and America

    Marriage and America

    The love, joy, and hope that brings a couple together needs to be stronger than the ideals that cause separation.

  • See the good, America

    See the good, America

    When we can see so much wrong in America, it’s nice to see something right—and to see the good.

  • Building hope

    Building hope

    Poverty surrounded the unfinished church. Church members decided they’d rather help the poor, than finish the construction.

  • Driving with dad

    Driving with dad

    As I think of Father’s Day, I appreciate the sacrifices my dad made to give me a great start in life.

  • When time is all there is

    When time is all there is

    I’m one of those “being early is being on time” kind of people. So, when the para-transit van was dropping off a ...

  • Good neighbors

    Good neighbors

    The next door neighbors were here before we moved in. I didn’t know anything about them, or their odd habits, and it took Nick, the UPS driver to introduce me to them.

  • Every reason for every season

    Every reason for every season

    If God cares that much about nature, how much more does He care about covering our lives with His love—for every reason in every season.

  • Stepmother's Day: It’s your day too

    Stepmother's Day: It’s your day too

    Some call you step-mom, but I see you as someone who saw more than a man to love, you saw his children, and his former wife as parts of a beautiful life you could share.