Karen Farris

Karen Farris

Op-ed contributor

Karen Farris saw the need to help underserved kids while serving in a youth ministry that gave her the opportunity to visit rural schools on the Olympic Peninsula. She now volunteers her time grant writing to bring resources to kids in need. She also shares stories of faith in action for those needing a dose of hope on her weekly blog, Friday Tidings.www.fridaytidings.com


  • 40 years of marriage

    40 years of marriage

    For a long time only our immediate family knew we were living in the back of our 1949 Ford truck. Homeless. For two love-struck newlyweds, we just thought of it as an extended honeymoon camping trip.

  • AOC and future taxpayers

    AOC and future taxpayers

    Even if you and all your Forbes friends gave away your wealth to fund our government in 2020, we would not get through the dog days of summer. Then Jeff, Bill, Warren, and the rest of your Forbes gang would need government welfare assistance.

  • The empty tomb

    The empty tomb

    That’s Christianity and the Easter story in two words: empty tomb. As I took my turn walking into the empty tomb, it wasn’t about what I was seeing, but knowing that because of Jesus, death no longer has the final word.

  • Fortnite and the generation of doom

    Fortnite and the generation of doom

    If you’re a parent or grandparent of a middle schooler, I don’t need to define Fortnite—the video game sensation. For the rest of you, it’s the latest in an onslaught of worries facing parents, educators, and medical professionals.

  • That look

    That look

    I’ve seen that look on your face before—I’ve been with you long enough to know when I might see it, so I watch for it.

  • Blue-collar is the new white-collar

    Blue-collar is the new white-collar

    Here’s the bottom line: jobs are available with wages and benefits that rival the white-collar competition. College education? Not needed.

  • Penalty pen

    Penalty pen

    Something happens once, maybe twice, and then I no longer listen to reason. It’s all about what I imagine it to be.

  • Going offline

    Going offline

    Internet entrepreneur, Arianna Huffington, says it’s time to “Reevaluate your relationship with technology before it’s too late. We’re burned out from being always on.”

  • A dose of hope

    A dose of hope

    “I’m losing hope,” my friend lamented. It was understandable—watching her son make another round in his cycle of addiction.

  • Lasting legacy

    Lasting legacy

    Pastors often remind us that the best place to invest our time is in people—because people are the only things that last eternally.