Church & ministry
Pastor Tyler Staton warns Western Christians are 'culturally set up with bias' against Holy Spirit
Pastor and author Tyler Staton believes the Holy Spirit is one of the most misunderstood and sidelined aspects of Western evangelicalism — and as a result, many believers neglect this essential part of the Trinity to their detriment.
Jinger Duggar Vuolo opens up about challenging false teachers, finding true freedom through Christ
In her latest book, "People Pleaser: Breaking Free from the Burden of Imaginary Expectations," Jinger Duggar Vuolo takes readers on a vulnerable and deeply personal journey through her struggle with people-pleasing tendencies and her path to discovering true freedom in Christ.
Seminary prof. aids church leaders with pastoral obligations like baptisms and weddings
A seminary professor and Episcopal priest has written a book to help clergy and lay leaders navigate pastoral obligations such as baptism and marriage.
Pastor Jack Graham implores Christians to proclaim truth in a shifting culture
Jack Graham has released "The Jesus Book," a culmination of his lifelong passion for the Bible. Inspired by a childhood shaped by Scripture and his grandfather's storytelling, Graham’s book aims to help readers engage with the Bible confidently and encounter Jesus through its pages.
Christians must invite God to church to get revival, says former SBC President Steve Gaines
The Christian Post interviewed Steve Gaines about his new book on revival, discussing topics like Old Testament revivals, how worship cannot be about putting on an entertaining show, and what he believes are the greatest enemies to revival in the American church. Below are excerpts from that discussion.
Michael Brown talks ‘fresh wave’ of Holy Spirit, mainstream ‘pushback’ against LGBT agenda
Prolific author and radio host Michael Brown believes that a “fresh wave of the Holy Spirit” is coming to the United States, with the American Church needing to harness it for positive social change.
Willie Robertson reveals how a single Gospel conversation changed trajectory of 'Duck Dynasty' family
Willie Robertson of "Duck Dynasty" fame opens up about his new book, "Gospeler: Turning Darkness into Light One Conversation at a Time," and the life-changing power a simple conversation can have on generations to come.
Michael Youssef debunks myths about Heaven, illuminates biblical truths about Hell
Global evangelist Michael Youssef is dispelling common myths about Heaven and illuminating biblical truths about the afterlife in his new book.
Matt Chandler on reclaiming Revelation's 'hijacked' message of hope 'for such a time as this'
Drawing on Revelation, Matt Chandler seeks to offer clarity and courage to Christians amid today’s challenges and mental health crises, advocating a return to the book's original spirit of empowerment rather than fear.
Christian expert on near-death experiences reveals 1 thing they all have in common
For over three decades, John Burke has studied thousands of near-death experiences (NDEs) and discovered a striking commonality among them all: Every individual, regardless of their religious background, experiences the God of the Bible.
Megachurch pastor details common misconceptions about the Holy Spirit
A Georgia megachurch pastor has detailed common misconceptions Christians have about the Holy Spirit and how to combat these false beliefs.
Pornstar-turned-pastor recounts pivotal moment that saved him from suicide: 'Jesus saved my life'
Pornstar-turned-pastor Joshua Broome, author of "The 7 Lies That Will Ruin Your Life," opens up about his journey to hope and healing and what motivates him to now use his platform to free others from the shackles of porn addiction.
'Left Behind' author says pre-rapture End Times Bible prophecies have been fulfilled: ‘Be ready’
New York Times bestselling author Jerry B. Jenkins is urging Christians to be ready because, he says, the pre-rapture End Times prophecies have been fulfilled.
Ed and Lisa Young discuss the loss of their daughter, God's faithfulness amid grief: 'He doesn't waste pain'
Ed and Lisa Young, pastors of Fellowship Church in Texas, open up about the loss of their eldest daughter, LeeBeth, and how their faith has enabled them to see a purpose in their pain and journey through grief.
Upperroom pastor says Gen Z is hungry for Jesus; urges churches to stop trying to appease
Pastor Michael Miller, founder of the global prayer and worship movement Upperroom, says churches need to stop trying to appease people and host the presence of God because Gen Zers are hungry to experience God.