Chuck Colson

Chuck Colson

Christian Post Guest Columnist


  • Bunny Business

    Bunny Business

    Aging hedonist Hugh Hefner has been thinking long and hard about how to insure his Playboy legacy.

  • Dogs and Dung Beetles

    Dogs and Dung Beetles

    Here's a pop quiz: Are dogs people?

  • Who Is Being Irrational?

    Who Is Being Irrational?

    Is there a rational basis for prohibiting same-sex marriage? Yes, Judge Walker\'s opinion notwithstanding.

  • Dating and Marriage in America

    Dating and Marriage in America

    Many Christian singles find themselves swimming against a strong cultural current.

  • Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

    Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

    Do you struggle with a temptation? So do other Christians. Even those attracted to the same sex. It\'s how you deal with it that matters.

  • The Mosque at Ground Zero

    The Mosque at Ground Zero

    As anyone who comes regularly to The Christian Post might guess, I am distressed—aghast, in fact—over the controversy about building a mosque at ground zero.

  • Judging Marriage

    Judging Marriage

    I have warned you for months that our religious freedoms are imperiled. Well, Armageddon may be close at hand if a new court decision holds up.

  • A Perspective on Same-Sex Desire

    A Perspective on Same-Sex Desire

    Do you struggle with a temptation? So do other Christians. Even those attracted to the same sex. It\'s how you deal with it that matters.

  • Knowing and Naming the Enemy

    Knowing and Naming the Enemy

    Every general knows that the first rule of warfare is, \"Know your enemy.\" And knowing your enemy demands that you name your enemy.

  • The Supremes and Religious Freedom

    The Supremes and Religious Freedom

    This summer, the forces of secularism are turning up the heat on religious freedom.