Chuck Lawless
7 things we can learn from attractional churches
The debate between being an attractional or missional church continues. I’m not a fan of a church that is ONLY attractional, but I do think we can learn some things from the attractional approach:
10 Steps to Win Over Pornography
We've now finished another year — a year of victory for some and defeat for others. Like every year for the past several years, I watched in 2015 as more church leaders fell into the trap of pornography.
8 Christmas Truths for Church Leaders
The Christmas season is one of the busiest seasons of the year for church leaders. In fact, it can be exhausting.
8 Characteristics of Evangelistic Pastors
For years, I've kept a running list of characteristics of pastors who lead effective evangelistic churches (that is, churches that are reaching non-believers rather than simply reaching other church members). Below are several of those characteristics.
8 Reasons Pastors Struggle During the Christmas Season
Last Easter, I wrote a post about "11 Reasons Pastors Struggle on Easter." Now, the Christmas season is upon us. Despite all the fun of this holiday, this time of year can also be difficult for pastors.
9 Reasons Christians Don't Evangelize
I've been a professor of evangelism for almost twenty years. Over the years, I've continually considered and asked why most believers never do evangelism. Here are nine of the reasons I've discovered, given in no particular order.
12 Benefits Your Church Might Provide Your Pastors
My seminary students occasionally ask me about whether a "pay package" a church offers them is adequate. I can't always answer that question easily because I don't know the church's financial state. What I do know is what I believe a church ought to provide for its pastors. Your church may not be in a position to offer all these benefits, but perhaps you could work toward providing them
11 Ways to Strengthen Your Church's Children's Ministry
More than one person has said, "Our students and children are the future of the church." That statement is true, but it's also insufficient.
7 Ways to Involve Older People in Your Church
I may not speak for all older folks, but here's how you could get me more involved in your church's ministry:
9 Questions to Determine If You're a Christian Leader
Many of us find ourselves in leadership positions, but we wonder sometimes if we're really leading. And, frankly, sometimes there are folks around us who also wonder if we're leading.