Chuck Lawless

Chuck Lawless

CP Guest Contributor


  • 7 'Christmas card' truths for churches needing revitalization

    7 'Christmas card' truths for churches needing revitalization

    How God will revitalize your church might surprise you and your congregation, but that’s okay. He works that way sometimes. 

  • 12 ways we might show we’re arrogant church leaders

    12 ways we might show we’re arrogant church leaders

    Sometimes we tear them down among other friends, or we feign praise we know we’re supposed to give. Inside ourselves, though, we think we should have been in that position.

  • 10 ways the enemy attacks church leaders

    10 ways the enemy attacks church leaders

    What leaders do when no one is looking — when they are alone with God in Bible study and prayer — matters much. A lack of quiet time with God affects a ministry, even if leaders don’t recognize it.

  • 9 dangers of an isolated ministry

    9 dangers of an isolated ministry

    Isolation means we carry the weight by ourselves, and that’s risky. The weight can simply become too much for one person.

  • 10 reasons many of us struggle praying with our spouses each day

    10 reasons many of us struggle praying with our spouses each day

    Some years ago, I wrote a post entitled, “Why Spouses Should Pray Together Each Day.” I still believe it’s important that we make this commitment. I’ve realized since then, though, that the struggle to take this step is still a real one for many of us. Here’s why.

  • 8 joys of church revitalization

    8 joys of church revitalization

    Church revitalization is hard work. Most of the time, the task requires turning around a ship that has been floating in the wrong direction for a long time – and it’s easy to give up too soon. If you’re in a church revitalization situation, either as a pastor or a lay leader, I hope this post about some of the joys of revitalization is encouraging to you.

  • 11 characteristics of church leaders I’d like to imitate

    11 characteristics of church leaders I’d like to imitate

    No matter how old I get, I have much room to grow as a leader. In fact, I watch other leaders who inspire and challenge me to lead better. Here are some leadership characteristics I’ve seen in these folks (who are, most often, local church pastors).

  • A challenge to keep on praying for non-believing loved ones

    A challenge to keep on praying for non-believing loved ones

    Many of us have unbelieving loved ones for whom we’ve been praying for years. In some cases, particularly as church leaders, for whatever reason, we’ve often carried that burden alone.

  • 7 'old-fashioned' church growth ideas to consider today

    7 'old-fashioned' church growth ideas to consider today

    As I think back across 40 years of full-time ministry, I’m reminded of some older ways we did church then that could still work today.

  • 1 Corinthians word of encouragement for struggling church leaders

    1 Corinthians word of encouragement for struggling church leaders

    The church at Corinth was a hard church, to say the least. They were divided. They were carnal. They tolerated sin. They sued each other. They argued over Christian liberty, spiritual gifts, and the resurrection