Chuck Lawless
10 Ways to Improve Announcements in Your Church
As a pastor, I always struggled with the best way to do announcements. Whatever we did, it never felt right.
8 Reasons Some Pastors Aren't Ready to Lead Through Revitalization
I believe in church planting, and I also believe in church revitalization.
10 Reasons to Send a Weekly Email to Your Church or Small Group
When I serve as an interim pastor, I always commit to sending the church at least a weekly email.
8 Unexpected Blessings of Christianity
My seventh-grade classmate who shared the story of Christ with me was a matter-of-fact kind of guy. Here's generally the way he told me the gospel: "You're going to hell, and you need to get saved."
10 Things Effective Churches Do Well
I've written posts for this site and my own that describe some of the negatives our church consulting teams and "spies" have found in churches. The goal of this post is to show some of the positives we've seen in different churches. The topics vary, but perhaps something will help you in your church.
9 Reasons Churches Must Connect With Cities
Even if you have no interest in urban settings and ministries, I plead with you to continue to read this post. We are called to get the gospel to all peoples of the world (Matt. 28:18-20), and we will not do that if we shy away from the world's cities. Please read on, and pray about how your church might tackle a city – then encourage others to read this post as well.
9 Bible Texts to Challenge Christian Leaders
To be a Christian leader is no small calling. Whether you serve as a church pastor, a lay leader, or a Christian who leads in the secular world, you are under obligation to be a strong and faithful witness for Christ. Here are several texts that should challenge you — and provide you a grid through which to evaluate your life today.
10 Characteristics of Bad Christian Teachers
Several times in my teaching career, I've asked graduate students to give me descriptions of the worst teachers they've had. During those same years, I've watched leaders, discussed leadership, and read leadership books to learn characteristics of good and bad leaders. Perhaps not surprisingly, I've seen that some of the characteristics of bad teachers and bad leaders are the same.
12 Signs of Mediocrity in a Church
I suspect this post may offend someone, but that's not my goal. I want churches to strive for excellence simply because our calling is to do what we do for God's glory. I fear, though, that many congregations settle for mediocrity. As a church consultant, I've learned that these signs are often an indicator that the church overall does not strive for excellence:
10 Reasons Why Spiritual Disciplines Matter in Church Revitalization
Thom Rainer and I have talked often about the process of church revitalization. Both of us recognize, though, that knowledge of revitalization is hardly enough to turn around a church; the process cannot be separated from the personal walk of the leader who longs for church renewal. Below are ten reasons why spiritual disciplines matter in church revitalization.