Chuck Lawless

Chuck Lawless

CP Guest Contributor


  • 10 Reasons Why Spiritual Disciplines Matter in Church Revitalization

    10 Reasons Why Spiritual Disciplines Matter in Church Revitalization

    Thom Rainer and I have talked often about the process of church revitalization. Both of us recognize, though, that knowledge of revitalization is hardly enough to turn around a church; the process cannot be separated from the personal walk of the leader who longs for church renewal. Below are ten reasons why spiritual disciplines matter in church revitalization.

  • 13 Ways to Address Signs of Leadership Fatigue

    13 Ways to Address Signs of Leadership Fatigue

    Previously, I posted on "13 Signs of Leadership Fatigue." Several readers asked me to write a follow up post about ways to deal with these signs. Maybe these suggestions will help you move past leadership fatigue.

  • 5 Reasons Some Pastors Are Loners — And Why That's Not Good

    5 Reasons Some Pastors Are Loners — And Why That's Not Good

    3. It's easier to do ministry alone. It takes less time to make a visit if I go by myself. I don't have to worry about anybody's schedule. Lunch takes less time if it's not connected to hanging out with another believer. We even spiritualize our thinking: "we can get more done for God's glory this way."

  • 13 Signs of Leadership Fatigue

    13 Signs of Leadership Fatigue

    Leadership is sometimes wearisome – so wearisome that we come close to giving up. Over the years, I've watched leaders slide into defeat, and I've seen some of these common signs of trouble.

  • 12 Reasons Churches Don't Practice Church Discipline

    Some years ago, I conducted a study and wrote a book on membership classes in local churches. Many of those churches included teaching church covenants in their membership class, but they talked very little about church discipline. That is, they established expectations but did not always talk about accountability. Since then, I've conducted an ongoing informal survey to see why churches don't do discipline. Here are the primary findings, in no particular order.

  • Church Reflections From a 22-Year-Old

    On the spur of the moment, I asked George what ten things he would like in a church if he could design it. Within minutes, he gave me his response—so quickly, in fact, that I suspect he's thought about these topics before. Compare George's responses to the young adults you know.

  • 15 Concerns in Children's Ministries

    Recently, I spent time with a church that is upgrading their children's wing. In the midst of those discussions, we talked about some of the common problems our Lawless Group consulting team sees in a children's ministry. Here are 15 of those problems:

  • The Most Frequent Burdens Pastors Face

    In my years of church consulting, I have spent hours talking to local church pastors. Much of the conversation revolves around church structure, vision, etc., but seldom does the conversation stay at that level. Pastors, it seems, long for someone to listen to them. They want someone to share their burdens, even if only for a few minutes.

  • A Caution for Believers in 2015

    My intent here is not to debate the use of alcohol or to discuss the curse on Canaan. Instead, my goal is help us consider the consequences of one act of sin. Think about these conclusions from this story.

  • 10 Distractions Regarding Worship Music

    Let me be honest about my qualifications up front, though: I am not a musician or singer; I am a church consultant only reporting what our teams have found in more than 15 years of consulting. It is not my intent to be judgmental or offensive. I have utmost respect for those who lead us in worship. With those caveats in mind, here are ten distractions we've encountered in the music element of worship.