Jamie Morgan
Op-Ed Contributor
8 tips for witnessing to family this Christmas
Witnessing to family! Ugh! Just the thought can be daunting.
My top 10 favorite evangelism quotes
I am a collector of quotes, especially on subjects I am passionate about. One of these topics is evangelism. My prayer is that they will motivate you to win souls. Here are my top 10 favorite evangelism quotes:
Women in ministry: John MacArthur owes you an apology
This week evangelical pastor John MacArthur haughtily told Beth Moore to, “Go home,” when questioned regarding his ...
Ministers, please stop peddling multilevel marketing products to the church
There is a troubling Church trend I have witnessed over the last couple of years: ministers of the Gospel selling multilevel marketing products to the body of Christ.
Satan's plan to sabotage your destiny
As a pastor, I’ve lost count the number of Christians I have witnessed ALMOST answer their call, ALMOST use their gifts and talents to build the Kingdom, and ALMOST fulfill their destiny.
My Top 10 Favorite Quotes About Prayer
I love quotes. They are short, pithy and to the point. One wisdom nugget, powerfully expressed, has the ability to change the course of the life of everyone who reads it.
10 Ways for Never Trumpers to Respond to the Election
I didn't vote for Trump. I also didn't vote for Hillary. I wrote-in. I based my decision largely on what I deemed to be the poor character of both candidates. Nonetheless, Donald J. Trump will be our next president.
Why Christians Absolutely Should Not Celebrate Halloween
Many Christians celebrate Halloween. Some churches and pastors even do. I recently saw a church advertising they were having a Zombie Run. Seriously? God's House? This pastor does not celebrate Halloween and neither does her church.
How to Pray for Your Police Department
People of God, we know the God who answers prayer. We are well acquainted with the power of prayer. We have been given the mandate to pray for those in authority (1 Tim. 2:1-4). Let's not just "hash tag" a promise to pray. LET'S PRAY!
7 Simple Prayers That Changed My Life
For the last 25 years I have prayed everyday with all kinds of prayers and requests, however, there are 7 prayers that stand out among the rest. Although simple in nature, God has powerfully answered each one and they have produced great spiritual growth in my life.