John Stonestreet

John Stonestreet

Op-ed contributor

John Stonestreet is the President of the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview, and co-host with Eric Metaxas of Breakpoint, the Christian worldview radio program founded by the late Chuck Colson. He is co-author of A Practical Guide to CultureA Student's Guide to Culture and Restoring All Things.


  • Confused souls find rest in God’s image

    Confused souls find rest in God’s image

    The new sexual orthodoxy encourages hurting young people to change what shouldn’t be changed and discourages them from working on the things that they can work on.

  • Politics makes a lousy worldview

    Politics makes a lousy worldview

    It is culturally and personally dangerous to either unquestioningly accept or dismiss ideas merely because of their political context. Politics doesn’t determine reality. And of course, politics can’t tell us the whole truth about the world either.

  • Beijing’s Nebuchadnezzar moment

    Beijing’s Nebuchadnezzar moment

    Increasingly threatened with a future of economic and cultural instability, the Chinese government is working hard to guarantee public safety and deliver the kind of “domestic tranquility” that only comes by limiting freedoms.

  • 3 scientific discoveries that call for a God hypothesis

    3 scientific discoveries that call for a God hypothesis

    Dawkins and other “new atheists” have long insisted that science has excluded the possibility of a Creator or has, at least, rendered it unnecessary. Turns out this belief might be scientifically out of date.

  • Should we dismantle the family?

    Should we dismantle the family?

    Eliminating families as antiquated or even (somehow) racist is not merely illogical for pragmatic reasons. It’s cultural suicide.

  •  Heckle Christ’s bride at your eternal peril

    Heckle Christ’s bride at your eternal peril

    Many are joining a growing demographic known as the “nones,” rejecting all religious affiliation. The Christian version of those who grew up in the Church but have become “nones” often go by another label: “exvangelicals.”

  • Here's what's troubling about the exvangelical #LeaveLoud movement

    Here's what's troubling about the exvangelical #LeaveLoud movement

    The more that the wider culture finds Christian teaching outdated and outrageous, the harder it is to distinguish between the various motivations of those who leave the church, and/or the faith.

  • The Supreme Court doesn’t get the last word

    The Supreme Court doesn’t get the last word

    The idea of a politically neutral Supreme Court is one of our nation’s most persistent and appealing myths.

  • Evangelicals and casual sex

    Evangelicals and casual sex

    Churches have failed to teach young people a true, Christian understanding of sex and the human body.

  • Is Christian cohabitation the new norm?

    Is Christian cohabitation the new norm?

    Each successive generation is losing the understanding of, not to mention the will to live by, Christian sexual morality.