John Stonestreet

John Stonestreet

Op-ed contributor

John Stonestreet is the President of the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview, and co-host with Eric Metaxas of Breakpoint, the Christian worldview radio program founded by the late Chuck Colson. He is co-author of A Practical Guide to CultureA Student's Guide to Culture and Restoring All Things.


  • What abortion built

    What abortion built

    Crisis pregnancies and chronic absentee fatherhood are the fruit of these fictions, and women and children pay the price for these cultural fantasies.

  • Survey says: You can’t replace dad

    Survey says: You can’t replace dad

    Boys without a dad at home are also almost twice as likely to be “idle” in their late twenties, defined as neither working nor in school, and are significantly more likely to have been arrested or incarcerated by the time they turn 35. 

  • Chastity is part of marriage too

    Chastity is part of marriage too

    Wedding rings are not some “license to practice” in any and every way that comes into our minds. That’s reductionistic. Sex is allowed in marriage, but it is also still designed. 

  • Another weak link in evolutionary theory

    Another weak link in evolutionary theory

    Today, however, discoveries in molecular biology have complicated that conclusion. In fact, a new paper poses one of the strongest challenges yet to the idea that all life shares common chemistry.

  • Coach Kennedy: From the field to the Supreme Court

    Coach Kennedy: From the field to the Supreme Court

    All Christians need that kind of clarity. Too many have believed a sort of “inevitability” narrative about the restriction of religious freedom advanced by bureaucratic demands. In fact, religious freedom is affirmed by the Supreme Court more often than not.

  • What is radical monogamy?

    What is radical monogamy?

    Every once in a while, someone who doesn’t profess Christianity will stumble upon some sort of natural or moral law that Christians have professed for centuries.

  • What are women for?

    What are women for?

    At times, roles that men and women fill have been prioritized over the goodness of their God-given design. More often, roles have been conflated with design.

  • Passing on the faith: Good news and bad news

    Passing on the faith: Good news and bad news

    One clear lesson is how seriously parents must take their role as disciple-makers. It’s a common instinct to lean away from spiritual conversations, especially with teens and young adults who seem to have grown uninterested or annoyed by them.

  • Erasing women

    Erasing women

    The contrast between Metaxas’ celebration of women as women and the transgender movement’s aggressive decree that any woman who does something stereotypically male must therefore be a man is profound. 

  • Kids are given to parents, not the state

    Kids are given to parents, not the state

    Parenthood intrinsically commits Christians to follow Jesus, to be thoughtful and self-sacrificing, to live virtuously and teach kids to do the same, to bring them up in “the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”