Joseph Mattera
Understanding logos, rhema, scripture and the Bible (part 2)
Instead of viewing the Scriptures holistically, through the lens of Christ, people extracted worldview topics concerning politics, economics, biblical prosperity, and promises.
7 Different states of the human condition related to God
In light of this intuitive knowledge of the Creator, Scripture describes various emotional and spiritual conditions humankind has in regard to their attitude and relationship with God.
Breaking down Logos, Rhema, Scripture and the Bible (part 1)
The writers of the gospels and epistles never separated the Old and New Testaments. They looked at all of the writings as the Scriptures.
Protégés vs. partners vs. parasites
Being involved with pastoral and apostolic-type ministry for more than three decades has shown me that in order to be successful, I must discern between three types of people: protégés, partners and parasites.
The mistake of the 'dominion mandate' in the Church
It is a mistake to call this a “dominion mandate” relative to the Church today since God never commanded Adam to have dominion over fellow human beings.
9 problems with the gospel of self fulfillment
The cross is absent from the gospel of self-fulfillment because it is antithetical to its essence. That is to say, the cross rebuts the notion of attempting to live without suffering as it contradicts the idea of living a life based on self-fulfillment.
9 errors of the Gospel of self-fulfillment
The cross is absent from the Gospel of self-fulfillment because it is antithetical to its essence. That is to say, the cross rebuts the notion of attempting to live without suffering as it contradicts the idea of living a life based on self-fulfillment.
7 ways we neglect our salvation
Hence, we all need close relationships with mature Christians who will hold us accountable to biblical standards and encourage us to seek God and pursue our divine assignment.
12 final legacy lessons from Saint Paul
Unfortunately, too many approach ministry as a profession instead of a calling. If it is just a profession, one is merely a hireling, not a true shepherd. To function with that divine mindset, one has to sow one’s life into the Gospel. One must not preserve any part of it for one’s self-interest.
7 signs you have fully submitted to Christ
Unfortunately, many Christians retreat from ministry and from serving Christ when things get difficult. It’s often because their love of self exceeds their love for God.