Joseph Mattera
7 ways to reverse the greatest famine in the Church (part 1)
The Church must remain mindful of its mandate to feed God’s people with the Word of Life until they understand that the Scriptures are a living spiritual portal whereby the Holy Spirit transforms us all by faith from glory to glory, from the inside out!
10 demonic strategies to destroy spiritual leaders
When leaders live superficial lives, they deny the true condition of their souls and lack self-awareness. They become ticking time bombs, ready to implode and explode.
6 reasons why revival is not the focus of the New Testament
However, we must look at revival as a means to an end, not the end itself.
7 reasons why the Church should celebrate weekly communion
We must be deeply rooted in our theologically and historically rich past so that we can have a bright future.
6 ways the Apostles turned the world upside down
May the Lord stir the contemporary Church to walk in the same miracles, power and strategy as the first-century Church so that we can impact whole communities for God.
Is tithing in the New Testament?
What could the Church do if every member was able to tithe consistently?
7 forms of functional cessationism
Cessationism refers to the doctrine, practice, or belief that the ascension ministry gifts and the manifestations of the Holy Spirit ceased with the early church and do not function in the present church age.
10 reasons for personal stress and depression (part 2)
May the Lord deliver you as you look to Him for deliverance. Amen.
10 reasons for personal stress and depression
I believe if we take these factors into consideration, we can fight depression and anxiety holistically. God gave us these bodies; let’s steward them well.
So, who is Jesus?
Metaphorically, this can also point to the fact that His complete salvation also includes protection and guidance, since the water is the same substance as a cloud and red is the color of the pillar of fire (John 19:34).