Nicola Menzie
Christian Post Reporter
'Pray Away the Gay' Program: Why Doesn't the Black Church Support 'LGBT Rights' as It Did the Civil Rights Movement?
In a feature titled "Don't Ask, Don't Tell in the Black Church," Al Jazeera questions why the black church isn't playing a central role in the movement for LGBT rights, as the institution did in the African-American civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s.
'Fifty Shades of Grey' Is 'Perverted, Exploits Women's Longings, and Normalizes Domestic Violence,' Say Critics
A Texas megachurch pastor, two Christian authors, and the National Center on Sexual Exploitation have joined the chorus of critics speaking out against the new "Fifty Shades of Grey" movie, claiming that the erotica story does more harm than good to women.
'Four Blood Moons' Book by Pastor John Hagee Gets Big-Screen Treatment; Docu-Drama to Feature Expert Commentary From Dinesh D'Souza, Dennis Prager and David Barton
Texas megachurch pastor John Hagee's best-selling book, "Four Blood Moons," is getting the "big-screen, live-action" treatment. A docu-drama based on the prophecy book, which suggests that certain lunar eclipses are tied to world events, is expected to be in theaters in March.
'Abortion Is Murder' and 'There Are Murderers Among Us,' Megachurch Pastor Tells Congregation in Sunday Sermon
Matt Chandler, lead pastor of The Village Church in Texas, recently preached against abortion from the pulpit, doing what many U.S. pastors apparently avoid like the plague, according to a survey's findings and the observation of some Christian leaders.
Planning to Watch the 'Fifty Shades of Grey' Movie on Valentine's Day? Christian Authors Want You to Hear God's Perspective on Sex First
The Christian authors behind the popular "Pulling Back the Shades" book that challenges the "satanic" elements in E.L. James' breakout "Fifty Shades of Grey" titles are reaching out to fans of the erotic book series by offering them a unique opportunity to learn how they can be sexual without compromising their spiritual or emotional well-being.
Mali Music Stars as Jesus Christ in New Musical Motion Picture 'Revival' Featuring Star-Studded, Multi-Ethnic Cast
Mali Music, Grammy-nominated Christian recording artist, headlines a new musical presentation on the life of Jesus Christ titled "Revival! The Experience," a "mixed media virtual experience" that is expected to be released in theaters sometime this year.
Is God's Spirit in Everyone, Even in Aggressive Atheists Like Richard Dawkins?
A survey examining Americans' views on Christian theology revealed that, among even self-identified Christians, there is confusion or disagreement about the Holy Spirit. Is the spirit a force or a personal being? Is the spirit present in only Pentecostal Christians, or in all believers? According to one theologian, the spirit is both a force and a being — and is present in everyone, not just Christians.
Christian Singer Carman Reflects on Surviving Painful Cancer Treatment, Winning Health Battle Through 'God's Grace'
Carman Licciardello, popular Christian recording artist and actor, has shared in an online post how he believes God's grace helped him endure the painful journey of cancer treatment, to eventually find himself "cancer-free."
Popular Christian Rapper Talks Race, the Church, and Why It Could've Been Him
It is an "irresponsible argument" for critics of the claim that police officers are biased in their targeting of and interactions with black men to point to so-called black-on-black crime, according to Christian rapper, pastor, author, and thought leader Trip Lee. That only deflects from the real issue, he said in a recent interview in which he comments on race, the church, and how he identifies with Michael Brown and Eric Garner.
How to Get a 'Dream Job' With World Vision in 60 Seconds or Less
World Vision, a leading Christian humanitarian aid organization, has partnered with what's described as a new "opportunity platform" that allows participants to compete for a chance to nab the job of their dreams, if only for a week or two.