Raymond Ibrahim
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Egypt's Sisi: Islamic 'Thinking' Is 'Antagonizing the Entire World'
And causing "anxiety, danger, killing and destruction.
Islamic Law: Girls Can Be Married 'Even If They Are In The Cradle'
Muslim attempts at "reformation" continue to be limited to words not actions. A few days ago, efforts to set a minimum age for marriage in Saudi Arabia "received a blow after the Grand Mufti said there was nothing wrong with girls below 15 getting married."
Do Only Muslim Schoolchildren Lives Matter?
Another strategy that recently came to the fore consists of highlighting Islamic terror attacks that target other Muslims
How Western Media Enable Islamic Terrorism
At the time of writing, the lead story on the BBC website is of course about that very tragedy, in which an Islamist fanatic took a random group hostage in a cafe, ultimately killing two of them.
Ethiopia's 'Islam Lesson' for the West
Yet another Christian church was destroyed by Muslims in Ethiopia—this time by local authorities.
Islam: Built on the Blood of 'Christian' Martyrs
In a recent interview on CBN News, Andrew White, an Anglican priest known as the "Vicar of Baghdad," tried to recount the horrific atrocities Christians in Iraq are suffering at the hands of the Islamic State.
The Koran and Eternal War
That Islam's core texts incite violence and intolerance has many ramifications, for those willing to go down this path of logic.
Is Russia Banning Islam?
Russia appears to be taking serious moves to combat the "radicalization" of Muslims within its border.
Exposed: Decade Old Plan to Create Islamic State; and Obama Helped
Although the birth of the Islamic state and the herald of the caliphate are often regarded as some of 2014's "big shockers," they were foretold in striking detail and with an accurate timeline by an al-Qaeda insider nearly one decade ago.
ISIS Sex Slaves and Prophet Muhammad
Once again, Islamic State Muslims are pointing to Islam in order to justify what the civilized world counts as atrocities.