Raymond Ibrahim
CP Op-Ed Contributor
New York Times Biased Coverage on Muslim Persecution
The New York Times has finally found a victim of Islamic aggression in Nigeria worth reporting on: homosexuals. In a big spread complete with pictures appearing last week, the NYT's Adam Nossiter wrote "Wielding Whip and a Hard New Law, Nigeria Tries to 'Sanitize' Itself of Gays."
The Pentagon's Bow to Islamic Extremism
This new relaxation of rules for Muslims comes at a time when the FBI is tracking more than 100 suspected jihadi-infiltrators of the U.S. military.
The Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda Connection
As former Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi's trials continue, it's enlightening to consider what is likely to be one of the centerpieces of the trial: longstanding accusations that Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood party worked with foreign terrorist organizations, including al-Qaeda, against the national security of Egypt.
Top Islamic Leader Calls on U.S. to Wage 'Jihad for Allah'
A video of Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi calling on the U.S. government to wage jihad for Allah in Syria, is currently making the rounds on Arabic media and Facebook, to mockery and dismay.
Kerry Boasts of 'Pluralistic' Syria Once Assad Gone
U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, was recently interviewed about Syria. While many of his assertions can be debated, one especially requires a response.
Confirmed: The United States Is the Chief Facilitator of Christian Persecution
Prominent indicators confirm that the U.S. is the chief facilitator of the persecution of Christians around the world today. In other words, at this point, whenever the U.S. intervenes in an Islamic nation, Islamists come to power.
Syria: Armenian Christians Forced to Convert to Islam or Die
Arabic language websites reported earlier this week that the al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant—which, throughout the course of the war against the Assad government has committed any number of atrocities, from decapitating "infidels" to burning churches—has successfully "forced" two Armenian Christian families to convert to Islam.
Victims of Jihad Hounded Beyond the Grave
The relentlessness of Islamic jihadi enmity for non-Muslims appears to know no bounds—sometimes even pursuing "infidels" beyond the grave. While the West may hear of the more spectacular attacks on non-Muslims—bombed and burned churches and other places of worship, beheaded and slaughtered "infidels," and wholesale massacres—lesser known is the fact that, far from receiving succor, the survivors often continue to be targeted.
Christmas Holiday, Islamic Horror
As Christians in the West go to church and worship during this Christmas season, it is well to reflect on how these two simple acts—going to church to worship—can be life-threatening for Christians in the Islamic world, especially on Christmas.
Three American Teachers Slaughtered for Christian Faith in Muslim World
Why was Ronald Thomas Smith II, an American teaching at Benghazi's International School, shot to death last Thursday in Libya, even as he "was looking forward to his first Christmas in the United States with his wife and toddler son"?